Tag: Boat School

GEDC8506 - Port Hadlock - Community Boat Project - Launching Sailing Vessel (SV) EPIC May 29th, 2014
GEDC7688 - Northwest School of Wooden Boatbuilding - Traditional Small Craft - 9-foot Grandy skiff - lining out frame locations - student Russell Bates (L) and Caro Clark
GEDC8487 - Port Hadlock - Community Boat Project - Launching Sailing Vessel (SV) EPIC May 29th, 2014
Basic Boatbuilding - Instructor Tim Lee turns a bowl - - IMG_2839
GEDC5202 - Port Hadlock WA - Northwest School of Wooden Boatbuilding - Contemporary Program - John Atkin-designed FLIPPER dinghy under construction


Week 2 - Basic Boatbuilding - a lesson in cutting carlin joints


IMG_3417 - Port Hadlock WA - NWSWBB - Large Boat - Haven - installing the garboard plank
GEDC8515 - Port Hadlock - Community Boat Project - Launching Sailing Vessel (SV) EPIC May 29th, 2014
Large Craft - laying out bulkhead on staving
IMG_8219 - Port Hadlock WA - Northwest School of Wooden Boatbuilding - Skiff Construction - Jesse Long section - NDG Beachcomber Skiff - off the molds today
GEDC8512 - Port Hadlock - Community Boat Project - Launching Sailing Vessel (SV) EPIC May 29th, 2014
Port Hadlock WA - Boat School - Basic Boatbuilding instruction


IMG_5044 - Port Hadlock WA - NWSWBB - Large Craft - Haven - determining waterline - cutting in with Japanese saw
IMG_5054 - Port Hadlock WA - NWSWBB - Large Craft - Haven - determining waterline -
GEDC8470 - Port Hadlock - Community Boat Project - Launching Sailing Vessel (SV) EPIC May 29th, 2014


Haven 12 1/2 - Interior work in progress
GEDC8537 - VIDEO - Port Hadlock - Community Boat Project - Launching Sailing Vessel (SV) EPIC May 29th, 2014


IMG_6399 - Port Hadlock WA - Northwest School of Wooden Boatbuilding - Traditional Large Craft - Hacker-21 Special - second hull laminations being laid out
Port Hadlock WA - Boat School - Large Craft - The Haven 12 1/2 is nearing completion
GEDC8505 - Port Hadlock - Community Boat Project - Launching Sailing Vessel (SV) EPIC May 29th, 2014
IMG_2925 - Port Hadlock WA - Northwest School of Wooden Boatbuilding - Traditional Small Craft - Carolina Spritsail Skiff - Centerboard case installation
GEDC7691 - Northwest School of Wooden Boatbuilding - Traditional Small Craft - 9-foot Grandy skiff - lining out frame locations - student Russell Bates
IMG_8226 - Port Hadlock WA - Northwest School of Wooden Boatbuilding - Skiff Construction - Bruce Blatchley section - Atkin Flipper dinghy - contemporary style
Longboarding the Haven 12 1/2 sloop
GEDC8479 - Port Hadlock - Community Boat Project - Launching Sailing Vessel (SV) EPIC May 29th, 2014
GEDC8501 - Port Hadlock - Community Boat Project - Launching Sailing Vessel (SV) EPIC May 29th, 2014
GEDC8491 - Port Hadlock - Community Boat Project - Launching Sailing Vessel (SV) EPIC May 29th, 2014
GEDC8474 - Port Hadlock - Community Boat Project - Launching Sailing Vessel (SV) EPIC May 29th, 2014
Port Hadlock WA - Boat School - Large Craft - Haven in frame
GEDC8500 - Port Hadlock - Community Boat Project - Launching Sailing Vessel (SV) EPIC May 29th, 2014
IMG_5958 - Port Hadlock WA - Northwest School of Wooden Boatbuilding - Contemporary -  cold-molded Grandy skiff - strip-planked and glassed
GEDC7685 - Northwest School of Wooden Boatbuilding - Traditional Small Craft - 9-foot Grandy skiff - lining out frame locations - student Russell Bates
GEDC8527 - Port Hadlock - Community Boat Project - Launching Sailing Vessel (SV) EPIC May 29th, 2014
GEDC8521 - Port Hadlock - Community Boat Project - Launching Sailing Vessel (SV) EPIC May 29th, 2014
IMG_5351 - Port Hadlock WA - Northwest School of Wooden Boatbuilding - Traditional Small Craft - 9-foot Grandy dinghy - off molds, right side up, not yet framed - trimming the sheer
Port Hadlock WA - Boat School - Edwin Monk-designed Flatiron Skiff
GEDC8530 - Port Hadlock - Community Boat Project - Launching Sailing Vessel (SV) EPIC May 29th, 2014
GEDC8463 - Port Hadlock - Community Boat Project - Launching Sailing Vessel (SV) EPIC May 29th, 2014
GEDC8538 - VIDEO - Port Hadlock - Community Boat Project - Launching Sailing Vessel (SV) EPIC May 29th, 2014
GEDC7687 - Northwest School of Wooden Boatbuilding - Traditional Small Craft - 9-foot Grandy skiff - lining out frame locations - students Russell Bates (L) and Caro Clark
GEDC8469 - Port Hadlock - Community Boat Project - Launching Sailing Vessel (SV) EPIC May 29th, 2014
GEDC7686 - Northwest School of Wooden Boatbuilding - Traditional Small Craft - 9-foot Grandy skiff - lining out frame locations - student Russell Bates
Port Hadlock WA - Boat School - final touchups on the Grandy Skiff
GEDC8496 - Port Hadlock - Community Boat Project - Launching Sailing Vessel (SV) EPIC May 29th, 2014
Port Hadlock WA - Northwest School of Wooden Boatbuilding - Traditional Small Craft - Grandy Skiff under construction
IMG_5045 - Port Hadlock WA - NWSWBB - Marking waterline - (l to r) Jason, Carter


IMG_5051 - Port Hadlock WA - NWSWBB - Scraibing waterline along stiff batten




IMG_8246 - Port Hadlock WA - Northwest School of Wooden Boatbuilding - Skiff Construction - Bruce Blatchley section - Atkin Flipper dinghy - end of day - clamps hold riser in place
IMG_7244 - Port Hadlock WA -NWSWBB - Contemporary - Sliver - port side aft outside
IMG_5955 - Port Hadlock WA - Northwest School of Wooden Boatbuilding - Contemporary -  cold-molded Grandy skiff - strip-planked and glassed


IMG_8221 - Port Hadlock WA - Northwest School of Wooden Boatbuilding - Skiff Construction - Jesse Long section - NDG Beachcomber Skiff - off the molds today
IMG_3129 - Port Hadlock WA - Northwest School of Wooden Boatbuilding - Traditional Small Craft - Westrem Shop - 9-foot Grandy skiff is a lapstrake boat - planking has begun


Building floorboards for the Haven 12-1/2 sloop


IMG_4890 - Port Hadlock WA - Northwest School of Wooden Boatbuilding - Traditional Small Craft -  making blocks
Port Hadlock WA - Boat School - Large Craft - Haven 12 1/2 sloop - laying out bulkhead on staving
IMG_8228 - Port Hadlock WA - Northwest School of Wooden Boatbuilding - Skiff Construction - Bruce Blatchley section - Atkin Flipper dinghy - building the stem - laminations
Sternsheets - Red Grandy
IMG_4798 - Port Hadlock WA - Northwest School of Wooden Boatbuilding - Traditional Large Craft - Hanson-28 cruising tug - keel, frames and brace
Large Craft - Haven - planking the sheer
Lamberson Dinghy under construction
IMG_0044 - Port Hadlock WA - NWSWBB - Monk skiff - 12-foot - bow - breasthook detail
GEDC7690 - Northwest School of Wooden Boatbuilding - Traditional Small Craft - 9-foot Grandy skiff - lining out frame locations - student Russell Bates
IMG_8236 - Port Hadlock WA - Northwest School of Wooden Boatbuilding - Skiff Construction - Westrem Shop - Jesse Long section - NDG Beachcomber skiff - off molds today
IMG_3121 - Port Hadlock WA - Northwest School of Wooden Boatbuilding - Traditional Small Craft - Grandy-12 launch - student Josh Moman (bow), John Bodger (owner)
Grandy Skiff - planking nearly complete - - IMG_3399
Port Hadlock WA - Northwest School of Wooden Boatbuilding - Contemporary - strip-planked Grandy skiff ready to be cold-molded
Large Craft - Haven - determining waterline -
Port Hadlock WA - Boat School - Small Craft - Framing a Grandy Skiff
GEDC8513 - Port Hadlock - Community Boat Project - Launching Sailing Vessel (SV) EPIC May 29th, 2014
GEDC5211 - Port Hadlock WA - Northwest School of Wooden Boatbuilding - Contemporary Program - John Atkin-designed FLIPPER dinghy under construction
Building floorboards for the Haven 12 1/2 sloop
IMG_3150 - Port Hadlock WA - Northwest School of Wooden Boatbuilding - Traditional Small Craft - 9-foot Grandy Skiff - planking - fitting and fastening the garboards
Port Hadlock WA - Boat School - Traditional Small Craft - Launch - Monk Flatiron - Jeremy rowing, xxx riding
Port Hadlock WA - Northwest School of Wooden Boatbuilding - Traditional Small Craft - Grandy Skiff - completed
IMG_8245 - Port Hadlock WA - Northwest School of Wooden Boatbuilding - Skiff Construction - Bruce Blatchley section - Atkin Flipper dinghy - end of day
IMG_6039 - Port Hadlock WA - NWSWBB -
Port Hadlock WA - Northwest School of Wooden Boatbuilding - Traditional Small Craft - lapstrake Grandy Skiff under construction
The Red Grandy - launch day - IMG_3621
IMG_6377 - Port Hadlock WA - Northwest School of Wooden Boatbuilding - Traditional Small Craft - 9-foot Grandy Dinghy - nearly complete - planks on floor are for Italian Batela
Port Hadlock WA - Northwest School of Wooden Boatbuilding - Traditional Small Craft - Grandy Skiff - framed Friday, May 17th, 2013
Sanding the Monk Flatiron

Sanding the Monk Flatiron

Paul Bieker-designed Skiff model and Carpenter Boat - 1-16-09
IMG_8244 - Port Hadlock WA - Northwest School of Wooden Boatbuilding - Skiff Construction - Westrem Shop -student tool chest - shoulder box
IMG_3653 - Port Hadlock WA - Northwest School of Wooden Boatbuilding - Hammond Boatshop - Traditional Large Craft - Hacker-21 Special - student J Ishmael - tools
IMG_5238 - Port Hadlock WA - Northwest School of Wooden Boatbuilding - Contemporary - Grandy Skiff - strip-planking the boat
IMG_6416 - Port Hadlock WA - Northwest School of Wooden Boatbuilding - Contemporary - Grandy 12 cold-molded skiff - second epoxy coat on hull
Port Hadlock WA - Boat School - Launching the HEIDI Skiff, a summer workshop boat
IMG_3151 - Port Hadlock WA - Northwest School of Wooden Boatbuilding - Traditional Small Craft - 9-foot Grandy Skiff - planking - fitting and fastening the garboards
IMG_5646 - Port Hadlock WA - Northwest School of Wooden Boatbuilding - Traditional Large Craft - Chamberlin-36 SEA BEAST - raising the stem - floors laid out on floor