5 Best Foods You Should Eat to Help Build Muscle

5 Best Foods You Should Eat to Help Build Muscle

5 Best Foods You Should Eat to Help Build Muscle

If you want to build muscle mass the process requires three things.
Those three things are:
●A well put together weightlifting program
●An above-caloric maintenance diet consisting of whole foods

In this article, we will talk about the food part because most people can look up an effective workout program online for free. No matter what someone does there is always an element of time to building muscle. Lean tissue takes time to build. It’s that simple.
People who want to build muscle can get conflicting information on what they should and should not eat to help build muscle.
The actual foods they should eat are simple. The list of foods you SHOULD NOT eat is much longer.
Keep reading to find out the five BEST foods that help build muscle, in no particular order.
Eggs are a superfood. Don’t believe the negative-hype about cholesterol and fats being bad for you.
Eggs and brown eggs in particular have a ton of nutrients and healthy fat.
A diet with the right ratio of fats (about 20-30%) primes the body for the proper production of testosterone. A healthy testosterone level allows the body to rest and repair faster after working out, and that builds muscle faster.
Also, there’s a high amount of protein in an egg. For example, you can eat a bunch of scrambled eggs and it will still be a fairly low-calorie count, but a high protein and fat count.
Plus, eggs go with almost anything.
Oatmeal is another food that is packed with a variety of nutrients and is dense with protein and carbs.
It has a high number of calories per serving so that makes it easier to get your calorie in. It’s variety of nutrients such as Vitamin B3 and iron help you recover faster.
Since it’s high protein AND carbs help fuel your muscles that makes it a great part of any pre-or post-workout meal.
This might alarm some vegetarians or vegans reading this but yes beef is one of the best foods for muscle growth! You will find it difficult to pick a food with more protein per ounce than beef. A slab of steak will give you 40 -plus calories each meal. In addition to the high protein, there is usually a healthy amount of fat on a piece of beef as well, and other essential nutrients such as Zinc.
White Rice
This might seem like a strange choice, doesn’t it?
What’s a carb source doing on a muscle building list?
Well, carbs are just as essential as protein and fats in building muscle. You need a high carb food to make the protein “stick” and build the muscle tissue.
White rice is a great carb source because it has a low glycaemic index, gluten free, and easier on the digestive tract than other carb sources such as brown rice or wheat.
Whey Protein
Another controversial pick. You’re probably saying, “this is a food list, why is there whey protein?”
Well, whey protein IS A FOOD and a very effective one at helping build muscle! Just because it comes in a big plastic jug doesn’t make it not a food.
Whey is a by-product of milk production. Whey is high in protein and is easy to consume multiple times a day. This is because your body digests liquid calories easier than solid food. So, when you’re mixing the whey in another liquid (water, milk, almond milk, etc.), you make it much easier for your body to digest the whey.
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