Is Health & Weight Loss Really About Portion Control?

Is Health & Weight Loss Really About Portion Control?

Is Health & Weight Loss Really About Portion Control?


Is portion control the most important factor in losing weight? I think so and I have my reasons below. And I’ve teamed up with Rubbermaid to tell you about their Balance Meal kit for easy meal planning, prep and healthy eating on the go – which helps with portion control.

Hello! It’s the start of the week – are you planning and prepping to make it a great one? Do you ‘meal prep’? Do you meal plan for the week? Today I wanted to debate the #1 most important factor in losing weight or being healthy.

Spoiler: I think it’s portion control. And here’s 6 reasons why I feel that way…

6 Reasons Portion Control is the #1 Secret to Weight Loss

1. You can eat ANYTHING you want – but you have to watch your portions. Isn’t it great to know you can eat ANYTHING (that you’re not allergic to obviously)? You don’t have to make any food ‘off limits’. There are no forbidden foods or ‘bad’ foods.

Yes, some foods are higher in fat and calories – so you should have those in moderation (read: portion control). Some foods are higher in vitamins and minerals – so you should make sure you’re eating enough of those. Using portion control to eat your favorite indulgent foods takes away the potential guilt of enjoying something that just tastes good in favor of something that’s better for you.

A balanced diet should have plenty of healthy options and variety from all the food groups. But a balanced life can incorporate your favorite foods if you keep your portions in check.

2. Portion control helps prevent mindless eating and over-doing it. If you’re hungry – you should eat. Sometimes it’s hard to tell when you have had enough. Studies say it takes 15 to 30 minutes for our bodies to register fullness. If you continue to eat after your body has had enough (but before your stomach lets your brain know) you are taking in food your body didn’t need or necessarily want. This isn’t the end of the world but an extra 250 calories a day can really add up and lead to gradual weight gain.

Um, and I don’t think I’m the only one who’s sat at a table with chips and guacamole and completely devoured the whole thing, right? It’s hard to stop eating good food.

3. Portion control helps you have a more balanced diet. If you fill up on any ONE food you crowd out other foods. Even if the particular food you’re eating is healthy – it doesn’t mean it’s balanced.

I have eaten an ENTIRE WATERMELON in one day. Yes. A whole watermelon. And while watermelon can be considered healthy – eating 10 pounds of it is not. Doing that made me too full to eat other foods like protein and healthy fats. I was full in volume and felt bloated, but had a weird hunger because I didn’t eat the protein and fats my body also needed.

4. Portion control at home and prepping meals to-go teaches you how big a serving is of different foods. This way you can ‘eye-ball’ what is a healthy serving at a restaurant, party, buffet or anywhere else you’re eating. It helps prevent overeating and taking in extra calories that might make you feel uncomfortably full or gradually add up to weight gain.

Even if you are happy with your weight and body right now – you should be aware of what you’re eating and how much you’re eating. As we get older our metabolism slows. Eating out often means bigger portions and more salt, sugar and fat in our meals. Slowly these extra calories can add up to weight gain. Be smart and informed so you know how to fuel your body in a healthy, balanced way.

5. Portion control is a long term solution to maintain a healthy weight without being on a ‘diet’, cutting entire food groups out of your life or obsessing over food. Sure, people lose weight when they cut out carbs – but do you want to do that FOREVER? I don’t. Instead – learn how much a serving of pasta is and enjoy it.

6. It takes some of the pressure off intuitive eating and learning your body’s cues. No one wants to feel like they’re on a diet or have to obsess over their hunger levels and fullness – but years of yo-yo dieting can really wreck havoc on your body’s ability to tell you when it’s hungry and full. Portion control can give people struggling with allowing themselves ‘bad foods’ to enjoy them without worrying it will make them gain 10 pounds.

On some level it can be like training wheels. If you’re used to big portions or eating the whole package of cookies – it’s hard to know what is an appropriate amount. Use portion control containers and measuring tools to know how much you’re eating. You can’t crush an entire bag of Doritos if you only have 1 serving in front of you.

The ultimate goal in healthy eating and maintaining a healthy weight is to eat foods you like and be able to feel good. Portion control tools like the Rubbermaid Balance Meal Kit help you plan, prep and eat healthy.

I’m working with Rubbermaid to tell you about their Balance Meal Kit. I used it to put together a healthy breakfast, lunch and dinner meal this week. And because I’m lazy they are all quick and easy ideas for packing healthy food on the go. Boom.

Breakfast: clementines, mini-peppers, eggs, tortillas

Lunch: This is what I’d call a ‘snack plate’. I wanted to make something more involved but didn’t have the time. But – that’s real life, right? I had planned on making a quinoa and pairing it with the beans and carrots to kind of eat together. Sounds delicious and healthy… and it didn’t happen.

The real meal – cheese, carrots, blueberries and beans.

Dinner: cherries, sweet potato, chicken patty, salad.

The Rubbermaid Balance Meal Kit comes with the main container and individual containers for vegetables, fruit, protein and grains. They’re color coded too. This helps make it quick PLUS you don’t have to use a measure spoon or cup for anything – that takes more time and more dishes to wash.

My favorite thing is that they’re dishwasher, freezer and microwave safe. You can also buy separate individual containers and prep multiple meals at once and then put them in the main box.

The box came with a booklet of tips, recipes and information on meal planning.

GIVEAWAY Rubbermaid Balance Meal Kit

The nice people at Rubbermaid are giving one RER reader a meal kit! Now we can be meal kit buddies and meet at the park for a picnic. Are you in?

To enter: Leave a comment on this post with your favorite Protein / Grain / Fruit and Vegetable. This way you can enter the contest and we all get some ideas on foods that maybe we haven’t had in a while.

Contest open to residents of US and Canada. No purchase necessary. Open 5/21/17 – 5/25/17 at midnight. Winner will be contacted via email.

You can learn more about the Rubbermaid Balance Meal Kit here. They’re available online via Amazon and in stores nationwide, Canada and a few other countries too.

Question: What is your FAVORITE: Grain – Protein – Fruit – Vegetable??

Monican: Brown rice. Salmon. WATERMELON. Roasted cauliflower.

Disclaimer: This post is sponsored by Rubbermaid. All opinions are my own.

Always consult your doctor before starting a diet or exercise plan. The information on this site is not meant to treat, diagnose or cure any health or weight problems. See your healthcare professional for information specific to your needs.

The post Is Health & Weight Loss Really About Portion Control? appeared first on Run Eat Repeat.…

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