One more time - Jan 26 menu

One more time – Jan 26 menu

One more time - Jan 26 menu

Last week the pneumonia kinda took over and I wasn’t able to go to the gym (or get out of bed LOL), so I ate only when I felt I should eat. I wasn’t really hungry at all, and when I was, I didn’t know what I wanted. So this week will be the official start of me following the Nutritionist plan again. Basically low fat, protein, and good starches/carbs. 🙂

Not sure if I’ll go to the gym tomorrow, or just do some walking with one of my DVDs when I get home – depends on how tired I am, and what the doctor says tomorrow morning.

Fruit Smoothie


Spinach salad w/tiny bit of cheese/ranch dressing, and chicken breast

High Fiber granola bar

Fruit Smoothie


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