,, Found ,,

,, Found ,,

,, Found ,,

Abandoned Abused Street Dogs.
Nikon D300 DX camera.
Nikkor 17-55 2.8 lens.

Saturday October 19th 2013 .
Baby-san showed up very happy,very timid and very hungry.Fed her a very healthy breakfast.Afterwords she kept circling and circling trying to tell me something important.
She wanted me to follow her and I did, right under the building. Imposable to keep up so I did a quick retreat and shed all camera gear. First a large flashlight was dug out of a secret hiding spot where it was stashed a couple days ago.Had a feeling a flashlight would be needed to find her under the building. Second attempt was much more successful even though I’m on my hands and knees traversing 25 meters over decades of broken junk, mud and jagged pieces of cement.
The beam of light caught a reflection in Baby-sans eyes way back in an even smaller, tighter spot.As I got closer she disappeared even further back behind some sort of added addition to an addition.Belly crawling up an over more old cement/mud and Bingo!……
Baby-san was so excited to show me her new family, all 6 beautiful tiny puppies.
Not sure how many boys and girls as I would have had to do some real contortions to reach them and they will be out soon enough.
Thinking next time I’ll get a camera and flash back in there but need to think that one out clearly before proceeding forward with a plan.
So here ya go, what started out a year ago with a scared little puppy and an abused/abandoned mother is starting to go full circle.
One more thing before I forget…Baby-san will now be called "Mama" ………………..Thanks for stopping by …Jon and Crew..;-)

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