While pondering the best method (tic stick was an option) to scribe the hull curvature onto the shelf material, I ran across an 8′ length of 1/4" luan in my wood stack. This narrow piece had been cut to a curvature not far from that of the topsides shape in the v-berth area. I know not what I had previously used this piece for but cut it about 2" shorter than the final shelf length. I then used a block plane to roughly shape it, put it into the shelf pocket and using the ceiling glue ledger strip under the luan, I scribed the hull curvature onto the luan . I then used a jig saw to cut along the pencil line and now had a pattern of the hull curvature where it fits into the shelf pocket. I put the pattern back into the shelf pocket and taped on poster board to the pattern ends to accurately define the length and cut angles of where the shelf meets the chain locker and aft v-berth bulkheads.
I then used the pattern to mark and then cut out the shelf’s pocket edge and ends on the 9mm shelf material. Using a simple jig moving along the just cut edge, I scribed the shelf width to the 9mm plywood and cut it out. Very happy with the shelf fit.
On building projects when I have some trickly cuts to make in expensive wood, I use cheapo luan to make a pattern. I have given up (I always screw it up) trying to use measurements to cut and fit patterns around weird shaped or curved items. Instead, I cut the pattern slightly undersized and then use taped or hot glued on poster board scraps to fill in the gaps thus quickly and accurately construct a pattern.
Edit: 05/31/2012. I found that on Ed’s BJ 27 I used the shelves to help hoist myself to a standing position in the front hatch in order to handle dock lines. Suggest that the shelves have a rigid fit and/ or brackets attached to the chain locker bulkhead.