Chinese Zodiac 2016

Chinese Zodiac 2016

Chinese Zodiac 2016

Year of the Rat
China Zodiac Animal – Rat
Rat is the first in the 12-year cycle of Chinese zodiac. The Years of the Rat include 1912, 1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008, 2020, 2032…

Though people consider the rat not adorable, and it even makes its way into derogatory languages, it ranks first on the Chinese zodiac signs. It has characteristics of an animal with spirit, wit, alertness, delicacy, flexibility and vitality.

Earthly Branch of Birth Year: Zi
Wu Xing (The Five Elements): Shui (Water)
Yin Yang: Yang

Lucky Signs for People Born in Rat Year:
Lucky Numbers: 2, 3
Lucky Colors: gold, blue, green
Lucky Flowers: lily, African violet, lily of the valley
Lucky Directions: southeast, northeast

Things Should be Avoided:
Unlucky Numbers: 5, 9Unlucky Colors: yellow, brownUnlucky Direction: west
Personality of the Rat
People born in the Year of the Rat are instinctive, acute and alert in nature which makes them to be brilliant businessmen. They can always react properly before the worst circumstances take place. They are also sophisticated and popular in social interaction. They are sanguine and very adaptable, being popular with others.

Adaptable, smart, cautious, acute, alert, positive, flexible, outgoing, cheerful
Timid, unstable, stubborn, picky, lack of persistence, querulous
See more about Destiny by Birth Month, Destiny by Birth Date
Love Compatibility of the Rat

Best Matches: Ox, Dragon, Monkey
They can get along with Ox, Dragon and Monkey partners, and their relationship will be well maintained as fresh as before. There is no big rise and fall in their life time, but will never be a lack of romance and passion.
Bad Matches: Horse, Rooster
If they get together, there will be endless quarrels. They are all sharp in words, and seldom make compromises. Picky in each other’s faults, they cannot be tolerant, which leads to their final divergence.
See more about Chinese Zodiac Sign Compatibility

Career: If you’re looking for a job, then you need to take education or learn new skill. Your savior will appear to guide you the job opportunity. If you encounter trouble in the career, then people around will be happy to help you. If you look for a promotion opportunity, then you will receive the support from the coworkers.

Job Change: If you want to apply a job in a different company, then you will have good chance to have it. If you accept the job, then new position will make you busy for a while. But you will be happy to take that job.

Wealth: You have opportunity to increase your wealth. House can protect our living. For you, the house is connected to Monkey. Therefore, housing investment in the real estate market is a good choice.

Love: Rat and Monkey have attraction relationship. This is a good time for love relationship. You can ask your mentors, parents or older friends to help you to find potential match. For men, sometimes you can try the relationship with the person older than you.

Social Circle: Your people relationship is pretty good. You can do more social activities. That will help your money luck and career development.

Quarrel: If you have argument, dispute or lawsuit with someone, then you will receive good support. Hopefully, you can win the reputation.

Health: Monkey will keep you busy. Therefore, you need to rest yourself regularly to avoid overwork and exhaustion. Pay attention on your kidneys, abdominal pain, and the urinary system.

General Fortune: It’s a sign of God’s blessings. You will often have a carefree and joyous mood with pleasing appearance.

Year of the Ox
China Zodiac Animal – Ox
Ox is the second in the 12-year cycle of Chinese zodiac sign. Years of the Ox include 1913, 1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009, 2021, 2033…

Oxen used to be capable farming tools in agricultural society, which attach to the symbol of diligence, persistence and honesty. People born in the Year of Ox are probably tardy in action, but industrious and cautious. Most of them are conservative and hold their faith firmly.

Earthly Branch of Birth Year: Chou
Wu Xing (The Five Elements): Tu (Earth)
Yin Yang: Yin

Lucky Signs for People Born in Ox Year:
Lucky Numbers: 1, 9
Lucky Colors: red, blue, purple
Lucky Flowers: tulip, evergreen, peach blossom
Lucky Directions: southeast, south and north

Things Should be Avoided:
Unlucky Numbers: 3, 4Unlucky Colors: white, greenUnlucky Direction: northwest
Personality of the Ox
Ranking second in Chinese zodiacal signs, the Ox is huge. People often use it to indicate something big in size or number. People born in the Year of Ox bear persistent, simple, honest, and straightforward characteristics. They are talent leaders with strong faith, and strong devotion to work. They are contemplative before taking actions, not easily affected by the surroundings but just follow their concept and ability. Being conservative with a lack of wit in speaking, they usually look silent and sometimes stubborn in their old ways.

honest, industrious, patient, cautious, level-headed, strong-willed, persistent
obstinate, inarticulate, prudish, distant
See more about Destiny by Birth Month, Destiny by Birth Date
Love Compatibility of the Ox

Best Matches: Rat, Snake, Rooster
They are quite compatible, deeply attracted by each other. They are both responsible, willing to share the family duty. Besides, loyalty and faith are the key factors to their happy marriage.
Bad Matches: Tiger, Dragon, Horse, Sheep
They will stick on their own opinions and ideas, and they both can hardly give in. They don’t get used to forgiveness, and squabbles lead to their relationship reaction.
See more about Chinese Zodiac Sign Compatibility

Career: It’s time to put worries and concerns aside to accept the career challenge. People needs your knowledge and help to build their business opportunities. They provide a good working environment to for you to show your talent.

Job Change: If you want to apply a job in a different company, then that’s a good idea to make the change. Your new position should give you better career development.

Wealth: The money opportunity is there. This is because you are building your reputation. But money won’t come in to your door directly. You need to earn money using your brain and labor.

Love: Cow needs heat to warm up the cold heart. Monkey doesn’t contain Fire and cannot offer love to Cow directly. But Monkey can help Cow to have more social activities. For better love relationship, Cow must reserve a space of love for its partner to build the relationship.

Social Circle: It’s a good time to build your people relationship. To join more social networks and meet people to build friendships will help your career.

Quarrel: If you have argument, dispute or lawsuit with someone, then you will stand on the advantage position at the beginning. But that doesn’t mean you will win in the end. The carelessness can fail you.

Health: Just keep exercising and pleasure mood regularly. That will give you better health. Pay attention on your stomach, intestine and the entire digestive system.

General Fortune: As long as you would stand out to prove your ability, the opportunity can bring you to anywhere, just like wind. If you are too conservative, then your achievement will be limited.

The Tiger ranks the third of the animals Year of the Tiger
China Zodiac Animal – Tiger
Tiger is the third in the 12-year cycle of Chinese zodiac sign. The Years of the Tiger include 1914, 1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010, 2022, 2034…

Tigers, considered to be brave, cruel, forceful, stately and terrifying, are the symbol of power and lordliness. In ancient times, people usually compared emperors or grandees with the tiger. Court officials often said that ‘accompanying the emperor is just like being at the side of a tiger’. There are also many legends about this animal.

Earthly Branch of Birth Year: Yin
Wu Xing (The Five Elements): Mu (Wood)
Yin Yang: Yang

Lucky Signs for people born in Tiger Year:
Lucky Numbers: 1, 3, 4
Lucky Colors: grey, blue, white, orange
Lucky Flowers: cineraria, anthurium
Lucky Directions: south, east, southeast

Things Should be Avoided:
Unlucky Numbers: 6, 7, 8Unlucky Colors: gold, silver, brown, blackUnlucky Direction: northwest
Personality of the Tiger
In most cases, people with Chinese zodiac sign ‘Tiger’ are powerful, independent, confident and brave. They have strong sense of errantry, being frank and easy to win others’ trust. In their middle age, their fate may be uneven, but after hardships, they will enjoy a bright prospect. While they are also likely to be dogmatic, and like showing off when accomplishing something.

Tolerant, loyal, valiant, courageous, trustworthy, intelligent, virtuous
Arrogant, short-tempered, hasty, traitorous
See more about Destiny by Birth Month, Destiny by Birth Date
Love Compatibility of the Tiger
Best Matches: Dragon, Horse, Pig
They can encourage and help each other, and they can be the best lovers as well as rivals. They are all ambitious and share the same value in life and money. The couple can lead a harmonious life.
Bad Matches: Ox, Tiger, Snake, Monkey
They are both aggressive, and seldom make compromise, so the relationship will be nipped in the bud. If getting married, financial problems would result in their breakup.
See more about Chinese Zodiac Sign Compatibility

Career: You will face the challenge and trouble in your career. It’s required to use your experience, knowledge and wisdom to solve the problems. If you don’t have the solution, then you have to ask and learn from someone else.

Job Change: If a company offers you a job, then you shouldn’t take it. It’s not the time to make change. Otherwise, many unexpected problems in the new position are waiting for you to solve. And you don’t have that solutions now.

Wealth: The money luck doesn’t look good. People are watching for the money in your pocket. Don’t be greedy for big return and risky business. All investments must switch to conservative items.

Love: There is a disagreement sign in the love relationship. You need to calm and play low profile when the argument is there. If you have trouble in the communication with your lover, then ask the elder friend as the mediator or liaison.

Social Circle: You don’t have good mood for social events. But you can attend the educational networks. You can learn new knowledge and meet new friends there.

Quarrel: If you have argument or lawsuit with someone, then you need the negotiation to stop the dispute. The sign shows the result of the dispute is unfavorable to you.

Health: You need to pay attention on the accident. Your arms and legs might get hurt. Also, take care of your liver and the nervous system.

General Fortune: Your fortune won’t be the same as before. You need to learn new professional skills to increase your career opportunities.

Year of the Rabbit
China Zodiac Animal – Rabbit
Rabbit is the fourth in the 12-year cycle of Chinese zodiac sign. The Years of the Rabbit include 1915, 1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011, 2023…

For Chinese people, the rabbit is a tame creature representing hope for a long time. It is tender and lovely. The moon goddess Chang’e in Chinese legend had a rabbit as her pet, which stimulated the thought that only this creature was amiable enough to match her noble beauty. People born in the Year of the Rabbit are not aggressive but approachable. They have a decent, noble and elegant manner.

Earthly Branch of Birth Year: Mao
Wu Xing (The Five Elements): Mu (Wood)
Yin Yang: Yin

Lucky Signs for People Born in Rabbit Year:
Lucky Numbers: 3, 4, 9
Lucky Colors: red, blue, pink, purple
Lucky Flowers: snapdragon, plantain lily, nerve plant
Lucky Directions: east, southeast, south

Things Should be Avoided:
Unlucky Numbers: 1, 7, 8 Unlucky Colors: dark brown, dark yellow, white Unlucky Direction: northwest
Personality of the Rabbit
People with Chinese zodiac Rabbit sign usually impress others with an image of tenderness, grace and sensitive. They are romantic in relationship, having a high demand in life quality. They avoid arguing with others, and have a capability of converting an enemy into a friend. They are homebody and hospitable, and like house fitting-up. They can work with speed and efficiency, do not insist and get angry easily. But they also like hesitating, which makes them lose many chances.

Gentle, sensitive, compassionate, amiable, modest, and merciful
Amorous, hesitant, stubborn, timid, conservative
See more about Destiny by Birth Month, Destiny by Birth Date
Love Compatibility of the Rabbit
Best Matches: Sheep, Monkey, Dog, Pig
They are romantic in love and adventurous in life. They know how to make compromises to make their relationship lasting and fresh. Living together, they can become more tolerant and considerate, and life will be sweet and happy.
Bad Matches: Snake, Rooster
Their relationship cannot be everlasting, for they will suffer from a series of disagreement and conflicts. They both feel suppressed in marriage life.
See more about Chinese Zodiac Sign Compatibility

Career: People will find you and offer the career opportunity or business relationship. You will have very good cooperative experience with the new boss or partner.

Job Change: If a company offers you a new position, then you can consider to take it. Don’t miss the career opportunity.

Wealth: Your reputation will help you to create money making opportunity. Fame and wealth will come together. But, the major income still come from the job.

Love: There is a strong love relationship between Rabbit and Monkey. If you are looking for love, then it’s a good time to take actions. If you are in love, then you could think about the deeper relationship or marriage. If you have family, then the opposite sex is still attractive to you.

Social Circle: You’re the favorite person in your group. You will win good reputation from everybody.

Quarrel: You shouldn’t have disputes with others during this period. But you might involve and mingle with relationships of other people, and then an argument or lawsuit occurs from there. In this case, you should make negotiation and peace with the person.

Health: Be careful the accident to injure at face or head, which might leave scar on it. Pay attention on your arms, legs, liver and the nervous system.

General Fortune: Your people relationship is pretty good. Everything will come in your way. The result will be very satisfactory to you.

Year of the Dragon
China Zodiac Animal – Dragon
Dragon is the fifth in the 12-year cycle of Chinese zodiac sign. The Years of the Dragon include 1916, 1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012, 2024…

The Dragon enjoys a very high reputation in Chinese culture. Chinese people regard themselves as descendents of the dragon. In ancient China, this imaginary creature was thought to speed across the sky with divine power. It is the token of authority, dignity, honor, success, luck, and capacity. Emperors entitled themselves exclusively as ‘dragon’.

Earthly Branch of Birth Year: Chen
Wu Xing (The Five Elements): Tu (Earth)
Yin Yang: Yang

Lucky Signs for People Born in Dragon Year:
Lucky Numbers: 1, 7, 6
Lucky Colors: gold, silver, hoary
Lucky Flowers: bleeding heart vine, larkspur, hyacinth
Lucky Directions: west, north, northwest

Things Should be Avoided:
Unlucky Numbers: 9, 8, 3Unlucky Colors: red, green, purple, blackUnlucky Direction: southeast
Personality of the Dragon
People with Chinese zodiac Dragon sign are usually a group of people who are lively, intellectual and excitable. They can clearly tell right from wrong. They are upright and frank. However, they are also a bit arrogant and impatient. Female Dragons tend to be overly confident. They hate hypocrisy, gossip and slander. They are not afraid of difficulties but hate to be used or controlled by others.

Decisive, inspiring, magnanimous, sensitive, ambitious, romantic
Eccentric, tactless, fiery, intolerant, unrealistic
See more about Destiny by Birth Month, Destiny by Birth Date
Love Compatibility of the Dragon
Best Matches: Rooster, Rat, Monkey
They are born to be a couple, and they can build a good and happy family. Dragons give a lot of support and guidance to Roosters and Rats, and they get tenderness and care in return. Sharing similar interests and hobbies, they can be best partners in travel.
Bad Matches: Ox, Sheep, Dog
Quarrels and conflicts take turns to show up in their life, and they even become enemy at last. The reason for their split is that they cannot tolerant each other’s flaws and they always put themselves in the first.
See more about Chinese Zodiac Sign Compatibility

Career: Dragon has good management skill for the organization. It knows how to assign tasks to proper people to share the authority and responsibility. If you encounter the career opportunity or heavy workload, you should ask help from your partners or coworkers to fulfill the career plan.

Job Change: If someone offers you a job in a different company, then you can consider to take it. Your people relationship is good. The opportunity should bring you good friendship and career opportunity.

Wealth: This will be a good fortune year. You will have unexpected income. It’s right time to ask the financial advisor to manage your investment. If you own your business, then your reputation will help you to increase your fame, wealth and value.

Love: It’s a very good sign for love relationship. If you are single, then you should attend more social activities. Someone might be there waiting for you. If you are in love, then you will receive more caring from your lover. Your lover relationship will be much closer in the winter time. If you are married, you and your spouse will have wonderful and memorable love year.

Social Circle: Dragon and Monkey have attraction relationship. You will meet many friendly people in the Monkey year. This is a good sign for your reputation and love relationship.

Quarrel: If you have argument, dispute or lawsuit with someone, then you have good odd to win the case because you have strong support. Unless, your opposite party has better luck than you.

Health: You need to pay attention on your diet. Improper food or drink might cause the problem in the cardiovascular system. Then it will cause the difficulty in movement. It’s will help doing regular exercise with perseverance.

General Fortune: It’s a good sign of endorsement, joyfulness, trouble-free and prosperity.

Year of the Snake
China Zodiac Animal – Snake
Snake is the sixth in the 12-year cycle of Chinese zodiac sign. The Years of the Snake include 1917, 1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013, 2025, 2037…

Snake carries the meanings of malevolence, cattiness and mystery, as well as acumen and divination. In some places, people believe that a Snake found in their court can bring delight. However, in most cases, this animal is considered evil, which scares people from the bottom of the heart. There are some idioms in China indicating the danger of this animal, for example, once bitten by the Snake twice shy of ten years.

Earthly Branch of Birth Year: Si
Wu Xing (The Five Elements): Huo (Fire)
Yin Yang: Yin

Lucky Signs for People Born in Snake Year:
Lucky Numbers: 2, 8, 9
Lucky Colors: red, light yellow, black
Lucky Flowers: orchid, cactus
Lucky Directions: northeast, southwest, south

Things Should be Avoided:
Unlucky Numbers: 1, 6, 7Unlucky Colors: white, gold, brownUnlucky Direction: northwest
Personality of the Snake
Usually, people regard Snake as a cunning and sly animal, which likes hanging out in darkness. In fact, this animal is also a symbol of wisdom and wit. Therefore, people with Chinese zodiac sign ‘Snake’, sensitive and humorous, and most of them are gifted in literature and art, such as Goethe and Picasso. Suspicion is their weakness, which makes them hesitant and a bit paranoid.

Soft-spoken, humorous, sympathetic, determined, passionate, smart
Jealous, suspicious, sly, fickle, nonchalant
See more about Destiny by Birth Month, Destiny by Birth Date
Love Compatibility of the Snake
Best Matches: Dragon, Rooster
Their relationship develops through lasting attraction between each other. Both of them like to cooperate to make life better. They both are good at associating, and enjoy a high reputation in life circus. They can form a cozy and harmonious family.
Bad Matches: Tiger, Rabbit, Snake, Sheep, Pig
They are suspicious and silent. When misunderstanding occurs, they lack effective communication and they stick on the disagreement, which give rise to more conflicts.
See more about Chinese Zodiac Sign Compatibility

Career: Monkey contains Metal and some Water. You will encounter little trouble in the career. You need to work a little bit harder. It will be worth after all, because you will get a satisfied return.

Job Change: If you have a promotion chance, then you can consider to take it. The sign shows both of your career and money luck are good.

Wealth: Your income and investment will have stable increasing. If you can find good financial adviser to manage your finance, then you might get much more return.

Love: The younger generations are easier to find their matches. If you are a female, then you need to push or encourage the boy to accept the relationship. If you are a male, then you have very good love relationship. A man will have more chances to meet the girls. If you are married or in love, your love relationship will maintain well.

Social Circle: If you can help people, then you should spend time on it. That will help you to expand social networks, and then the money making opportunity will come after.

Quarrel: If you have argument or dispute with someone, then you need to take care the business by yourself. You won’t get a perfect result, if you only hire someone to handle the issue.

Health: Try not to over-exercise and then injure the body. Pay attention to arthritis, arms, legs and shoulders.

General Fortune: Monkey will bring a good fortune opportunity to you. Don’t miss the opportunity in the year of Monkey.

Year of the Horse
China Zodiac Animal – Horse
Horse is the seventh in the 12-year cycle of Chinese zodiac sign. The Years of the Horse include 1918, 1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014, 2026…

The Five Elements of Horse is Fire (Huo), which symbolizes enthusiasm and energy. The animal gives people an impression of independence and integrity. Its spirit is recognized to be the Chinese people’s ethos – making unremitting efforts to improve themselves with passion and diligence.

Earthly Branch of Birth Year: Wu
Wu Xing (The Five Elements): Huo (Fire)
Yin Yang: Yang

Lucky Signs for People born in Horse Year:
Lucky Numbers: 2, 3, 7
Lucky Colors: brown, yellow, purple
Lucky Flowers: calla lily, jasmine, marigold
Lucky Directions: northeast, southwest and northwest

Things Should be Avoided:
Unlucky Numbers: 1, 5, 6Unlucky Colors: blue, white, goldUnlucky Direction: southeast
Personality of the Horse
They always impress upon people with dynamic, zealous and generous image. Although endowed with many shinning points, they have to face the weaknesses in their characteristics.

Most have nice personalities, such as warm-hearted, upright and easygoing. Hence, they usually have a lot of friends flocking around them. Independence and endurance makes them more powerful, and they do not easily give up when in difficulties. Positive attitude leads to a brighter direction.
The love of spending seems to be the biggest problem since they must be financially well off to support their social activities and outlook. Besides, their frank attitude at times leads to letting out secret easily. Persistence is what they lack on the path of success.
See more about Destiny by Birth Month, Destiny by Birth Date
Love Compatibility of the Horse
Perfect Matches: Tiger, Sheep, Rabbit
They are born to be a well-matched couple, sharing a lot in common.
Acceptable Matches: Dragon, Dog, Monkey
Their life will be sweet and happy as long as one of them learns to be considerate, tolerant and understanding.
Complementary Match: Pig
They are a complementary couple in characteristic and capability, and good partners in housework / business.
Intimate Friend: Snake
They are not so much couple as intimate friends, enjoying the same value for fashion and art.
Avoid: Rat, Ox, Rooster, Horse
They cannot understand and support each other.
See more about Chinese Zodiac Sign Compatibility

Career: Your workload and responsibility will increase. That’s a good sign for the career development. Your income will grow as much as you make efforts on your job.

Job Change: Your career luck is good. You have the chance of the promotion. Also a different company could offer you a higher position. You should accept the challenge.

Wealth: The money luck is pretty good. You might have a good salary raise from your work. If you have extra money for the investment, you have better to spend time and energy to review your investment portfolio and adjust your financial strategy.

Love: If you are looking for love, then the love opportunity is out there and you need to spend time to find it. If you are a male, you have more chances to meet girls you like to build a new relationship. If you are married or in love, what you need is be more romance with your lover.

Social Circle: The topics of your social networks will focus more in the career and finance. Staying in those circles, you will learn new knowledge and experience from others. Those friendships and connections will help your career development.

Quarrel: If you have argument, dispute or lawsuit with someone, then you have good chance to win the case. If that’s involving the money, then you can get some money back.

Health: Try not to over-exercise and then injure the body. Pay attention on your muscle, tendon and bones. Next, watch the air quality to prevent from the problems out of the respiratory system.

General Fortune: Monkey brings good fortune to you. Fame and wealth are coming to you. Don’t miss this opportunity.

Note: Don’t be too serious about the above predictions. Since using the only the birth year zodiac sign, the predictions cover only 12.5% of your 2016 fortune. If your Lucky Element is Metal, you will have good luck in the year of the Monkey. See the Chinese Five Element Astrology and the Rise and Fall Chart below.

Year of the Sheep / Goat / Ram
China Zodiac Animal – Sheep
Sheep / Goat is the eighth in the 12-year cycle of Chinese zodiac. The Years of the Sheep include 1919, 1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015, 2027, 2039, 2051…

Sheep (goat, or ram) is among the animals that people like most. It is gentle and calm. Since ancient times, people have learned to use its fleece to make writing brushes and fur to keep warm. The white cute creature often reminds people of beautiful things.

Earthly Branch of Birth Year: Wei
Wu Xing (The Five Elements): Tu (Earth)
Yin Yang: Yin

Lucky Signs for People Born in Sheep Year:
Lucky Numbers: 3, 4, 9
Lucky Colors: green, red, purple
Lucky Flowers: carnation, primrose, Alice flower
Lucky Directions: east, southeast, south

Things Should be Avoided:
Unlucky Numbers: 6, 7, 8Unlucky Colors: gold, brown, blackUnlucky Direction: west
Personality of the Sheep
People born in the Year of the Sheep are tender, polite, filial, clever, and kind-hearted. They have special sensitivity to art and beauty and a special fondness for quiet living. They are wise, gentle and compassionate and can cope with business cautiously and circumspectly. In their daily life, they try to be economical. They are willing to take good care of others, but they should avoid pessimism and hesitation.

gentle, softhearted, considerate, attractive, hardworking, persistent, thrift
indecisive, timid, vain, pessimistic, moody, weak-willed
See more about Destiny by Birth Month, Destiny by Birth Date
Love Compatibility of the Sheep
Best Matches: Horse, Rabbit, Pig
Sheep could make a perfect couple with Horse, Rabbit or Pig. The harmonious bond between them would bring prosperity to both their career and families. The couple will win respect from others.
Bad Matches: Ox, Tiger, Dog
If Goat people get married with Ox, Tiger or Dog people, they may hardly live a happy life. Throughout their life, they might encounter considerable difficulties and setbacks. They might spend life in tough work or even experience the pain of losing family members.
See more about Chinese Zodiac Sign Compatibility

Career: Don’t be too conservative to your career development. It’s a right time to encourage yourself to show your knowledge, experience and wisdom to people. Your talent and experience will win peoples respect and bring you good reputation.

Job Change: The career opportunity is coming. If you have the opportunity of the promotion or job relocation, then you can accept the challenge. It must be someone giving you good recommendation. People will help you when you get on the new position.

Wealth: Money won’t fall down at your door directly. You still need to work hard to earn the money from your job. To build good people relationship can make it easier for you to bring money home.

Love: If you want a better love relationship, then you need to respect the opinions and feelings of your partner. Both of you need the self-control not to push other to the limitation. If you are a female, you need to watch your language and behavior not hurt the dignity of your lover.

Social Circle: The popularity of a person is always changing. Your people relationship is fair. Currently, you have better chance to build more social connections. You should learn the active spirit of Monkey. You attend more social activities to acquaint new people and maintain the friendships. People relationship is the key to bring you the opportunity of career and wealth.

Quarrel: If you have argument, dispute or lawsuit with someone, then you will face the trouble of the storm. But the sunny day will come after. The result will be a close call. It’s better to negotiate with the opposite party to shorten the period of worry and fear.

Health: You need to watch for the food you have. You should eat more vegetables. Pay attention on your stomach, large intestine and the entire digestive system.

General Fortune: As long as you want to work harder for the coming opportunity, the fame and fortune will come to you.

Year of the Monkey
China Zodiac Animal – Monkey
Monkey is the ninth in the 12-year cycle of Chinese zodiac. The Years of the Monkey include 1920, 1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016, 2028…

The monkey is a clever animal. It is usually compared to a smart person. During the Spring and Autumn Period (770 – 476 BC), the dignified Chinese official title of marquis was pronounced ‘Hou’, the same as the pronunciation of ‘monkey’ in Chinese. The animal was thereby bestowed with an auspicious meaning.

Earthly Branch of Birth Year: Shen
Wu Xing (The Five Elements): Jin (Metal)
Yin Yang: Yang

Lucky Signs for People Born in Monkey Year:
Lucky Numbers: 1, 7, 8
Lucky Colors: white, gold, blue
Lucky Flowers: chrysanthemum, alliums
Lucky Directions: north, northwest, west

Things Should be Avoided:
Unlucky Numbers: 2, 5, 9Unlucky Colors: red, black, grey, dark coffeeUnlucky Direction: east
Personality of the Monkey
The general image of people born in the Year of the Monkey is of always being smart, clever and intelligent, especially in their career and wealth. They are lively, flexible, quick-witted and versatile. In addition, their gentleness and honesty bring them an everlasting love life. Although they were born with enviable skills, they still have several shortcomings, such as an impetuous temper and a tendency to look down upon others.

enthusiastic, self-assured, sociable, innovative
jealous, suspicious, cunning, selfish, arrogant
See more about Destiny by Birth Month, Destiny by Birth Date
Love Compatibility of the Monkey
Perfect Matches: Ox, Rabbit
They seem like made for each other, having several similarities in personality and life. Both of them can tolerate everything of each other, as long as they have enough space and freedom. Their love lives are full of fun because they have a strong sense of curiosity to get to know each other. Usually, they share common attitudes and opinions about life.
Bad Matches: Tiger, Pig
Holding different values and views, they don’t have many common topics in daily life. It’s difficult for them to communicate with patience and respect. Quarrels and conflicts will bring lots of negative influences to their relationship.
See more about Chinese Zodiac Sign Compatibility

Career: The sign is that you are working very close with your coworkers for the same project. That means your career is keeping you busy. But, your career status doesn’t make any change. There is no sign for promotion. If you are looking for a job, then you might need more time to get one. This is because you have many competitors out there.

Job Change: If you get on a new position because of the promotion or new job offering, then your working status and development won’t change too much. If you work for a new company, then you will feel new competition in the new working environment. The humble and polite attitude is very important when you are in unfamiliar territory. There is no sign showing you are outsmarting over people around.

Wealth: In general, you don’t have good money luck in the near future. The people around you are all looking for the money making opportunities. If someone asks you for a big return investment, then you had better skip it. If someone gets a loan from you, then you won’t get it back soon. The money investment must be conservative during the Monkey years.

Love: You and your lover often have different opinions. People born in the Rabbit year can act a good mediator for you. If you are looking for your love, then you will see strong competitors out there. But you will have better opportunity with people born in Rat, Dragon or Rabbit.

Social Circle: To build better people relationship, you should show courtesy to others, offer favors to people and yield your opportunities to friends. Never intentionally show off your cleverness and wit in public. Being polite and humble, you will become a popular figure in your social networks.

Quarrel: If you have argument, dispute or lawsuit with someone, then you had better truce for peace. The negotiation is the best approach during this period. Otherwise, both of parties will become losers.

Health: You shouldn’t have too serious health issue. But you have watch for unnecessary accident on arms and legs. You should avoid the dangerous sports and activities. Also, pay attention on your Nervous system, liver and gall bladder.

General Fortune: Keep your persistence in benevolence, etiquette and righteousness, the good luck will stay with you.

Note: Don’t be too serious about the above predictions. Since using the only the birth year zodiac sign, the predictions cover only 12.5% of your 2016 fortune. If your Lucky Element is Metal, you will have good luck in the year of the Monkey. See the Chinese Five Element Astrology and the Rise and Fall Chart below.

Year of the Rooster
China Zodiac Animal – Rooster
Rooster is the tenth in the 12-year cycle of Chinese zodiac sign. The Years of the Rooster include 1921, 1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017, 2029…

Rooster is almost the epitome of fidelity and punctuality. For ancestors who had no alarm clocks, the crowing was significant, as it could awaken people to get up and start to work. In Chinese culture, another symbolic meaning of chicken carries is exorcising evil spirits.

Earthly Branch: You 酉
Element: Metal (Jin)
Yin Yang: Yin
Season: Autumn

Lucky Signs for People Born in Rooster Year:
Lucky Numbers: 5, 7, 8
Lucky Colors: gold, brown, brownish yellow, yellow
Lucky Flowers: gladiola, impatiens, cockscomb
Lucky Directions: west, southwest, northeast

Things Should be Avoided:
Unlucky Numbers: 1, 3, 9Unlucky Colors: white, greenUnlucky Directions: east, north
Personality of the Rooster
People born in the Year of Rooster according to Chinese zodiac have many excellent characteristics, such as being honest, bright, communicative and ambitious. Most of them are born pretty or handsome, and prefer to dress up. In daily life, they seldom rely on others. However, they might be enthusiastic about something quickly, but soon be impassive. Thus, they need to have enough faiths and patience to insist on one thing.

Independent, capable, warm-hearted, self-respect, quick minded
Impatient, critical, eccentric, narrow-minded, selfish
See more about Destiny by Birth Month
Love Compatibility of the Rooster
Perfect Matches: Ox, Snake
If combining with people in Ox or Snake signs, most of them will obtain everlasting and harmonious marriage lives. The connection between them can become tight. In addition, couples of these combinations always become enviable ones in other people’s eyes.
Avoid: Rat, Rabbit, Horse, Rooster, Dog
They have a large chance to obtain a tough and unstable love life if they get married with people with the above five signs. During the whole life, they always meet difficulties and troubles. However, they don’t have enough abilities to solve them because of their born different opinions and attitudes with each other. Lots of divergences will damage the relationship finally.
See more about Chinese Zodiac Sign Compatibility

Career: The career industry is changing. You need to spend more time and energy on your job. You will feel some pressures from the project schedule. But you still can work happily as long as you follow all the instructions of your boss carefully.

Job Change: If you have a job offer from a different company, then you should think twice before accepting the position. The new working environment might have many different opinions in the future business direction. That’s a noisy and unstable sign. If you don’t like such challenge, then it’s not a good time to move.

Wealth: You don’t have strong money luck. But your friends or relatives will discuss some investment opportunities to you. They might even push you to involve the investment using the yearlong friendship. The problem is that you cannot manage and control the operation of investment. Monkey is connected to the wind. The money will disappear very quickly on a wrong investment.

Love: Your lover likes to show his or her ability to act as the speaker of your relationship. Your lover likes to take control over the decision making including your activities and schedules. He or she has many reasons to override your opinions. You will feel the pressures from the love relationship.

Social Circle: Basically, your social activities will increase. But some social networks are wasting your time. Some ones out there are talkative, seeking the limelight and publishing nonsense opinions. Therefore, just spend more time with your close friends and family members.

Quarrel: If you have argument, dispute or lawsuit with someone, then you had better to negotiate with your opponent. The sign shows you are underdog. A quick truce is a good approach for the current circumstance.

Health: The air quality is very important to your health. Pay attention on your respiratory system – lungs, nose, bronchus and throat.

General Fortune: The potential and unexpected pressure is out there. When you are in a joyous moment, you need to watch your words and behaviors not offending or displease someone. Then your life will be calm and safe.

Note: Don’t be too serious about the above predictions. Since using the only the birth year zodiac sign, the predictions cover only 12.5% of your 2016 fortune. If your Lucky Element is Metal, you will have good luck in the year of the Monkey. See the Chinese Five Element Astrology and the Rise and Fall Chart below.

Year of the Dog
Dog is the eleventh in the 12-year cycle of Chinese zodiac sign. The Years of the Dog include 1922, 1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018, 2030, 2042…

Dog is man’s good friend who can understand the human’s spirit and obey its master, whether he is wealthy or not. The Chinese regard it as an auspicious animal. If a dog happens to come to a house, it symbolizes the coming of fortune. The invincible God Erlang in Chinese legend used a loyal wolfhound to help him capture monsters.

Earthly Branch of Birth Year: Xu
Wu Xing (The Five Elements): Tu (Earth)
Yin Yang: Yang

Lucky Signs for People Born in Dog Year:
Lucky Numbers: 3, 4, 9
Lucky Colors: green, red, purple
Lucky Flowers: rose, oncidium, cymbidium orchids
Lucky Directions: east, southeast, south

Things Should be Avoided:
Unlucky Numbers: 1, 6, 7Unlucky Colors: blue, white, goldenUnlucky Direction: north, west
Personality of the Dog
People born in the Year of the Dog are usually independent, sincere, loyal and decisive according to Chinese zodiac analysis. They are not afraid of difficulties in daily life. These shining characteristics make them have harmonious relationship with people around.

Valiant, loyal, responsible, clever, courageous, lively
Sensitive, conservative, stubborn, emotional
See more about Destiny by Birth Month
Love Compatibility of the Dog
Best Matches: Rabbit
They are born to be a perfect match. Similar personality traits and common hobbies add much fun to their love relationship. They can understand each other and face difficulties with enough patience.
Bad Matches: Dragon, Sheep, Rooster
Different sense of worth cause many conflicts in their daily life. Both of them are not willing to share inner true feelings. The lack of effective communication and trust won’t bring a happy and relaxing marriage life.
See more about Chinese Zodiac Sign Compatibility

Career: Your career luck shows quite stable. You will find a good smart, creative partner to assist your career. If you have very tight project schedule, you should assign some tasks to the younger team members to share some workloads.

Job Change: If you receive a promotion or new job offer, then you should accept the challenge. Changing working environment to show people your talent is a good approach for current career development.

Wealth: The money luck is pretty good. Your professional skills can earn money easily. Your social networks will bring you the money opportunity.

Water is money to Dog. Dog is connected to the mountain. When it rains, the mountain can absorb all the water. But it won’t rain all the time. Don’t lose the opportunity when water is there.

Love: Your personality is complementary to your lover. Both of you will become a good match. However, you need to give more romance moments for your lover. If you’re looking for love, it’s good time to attend more social activities. You will find and enjoy the easy and relaxing life style there.

Social Circle: It’s good time to build people relationship. You should spend more time at social events. You will find people like your advices. You will feel the sense of achievement with them. You can build good friendships there.

Quarrel: If you have argument, dispute or lawsuit with someone, then both you and the opposite party will become the losers. You had better negotiate the truce.

Health: Bringing better fortune is required more social or outdoor activities. The dangerous sports should be avoided. The outdoor activities need to carry out with caution. Pay attention on not hurting arms, legs and bones.

General Fortune: Dog and Monkey can be energetic partners. They can generate promising fortune. Your efforts will return you the prosperity and happiness.

Year of the Pig
Pig is the twelfth in the 12-year cycle of Chinese zodiac sign. The Years of the Pig include 1923, 1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019, 2031, 2043…

Pig is not thought to be a smart animal in China. It likes sleeping and eating and becomes fat. Thus it usually features laziness and clumsiness. On the positive side, it behaves itself, has no plan to harm others, and can bring affluence to people. Consequently, it has been regarded as wealth.

Earthly Branch of Birth Year: Hai
Wu Xing (The Five Elements): Shui (Water)
Yin Yang: Yin

Lucky Signs for People Born in Pig Year:
Lucky Numbers: 2, 5, 8
Lucky Colors: yellow, grey, brown, gold
Lucky Flowers: hydrangea, pitcher plant, marguerite
Lucky Directions: southeast, northeast

Things Should be Avoided:
Unlucky Numbers: 1, 3, 9Unlucky Colors: red, blue, greenUnlucky Directions: east, west
Personality of the Pig
People with Chinese zodiac Pig sign are considerate, responsible, independent and optimistic. They always show generousness and mercy to endure other people’s mistakes, which help them gain harmonious interpersonal relationships. However, sometimes they will behave lazy and lack actions. In addition, pure hearts would let them be cheated easily in daily life.

Warm-hearted, good-tempered, loyal, honest, gentle
Naive, gullible, sluggish, short-tempered
See more about Destiny by Birth Month
Love Compatibility of the Pig
Perfect Matches: Tiger, Rabbit, Sheep
These combinations always have a high possibility to obtain a sweet and everlasting marriage. When meeting difficulties, they can face them together. More patience and enough encouragement are keys to solve problems. They have common goals and similar values, which add more fun in daily life.
Avoid: Snake, Monkey
Totally different personalities may lead to conflicts. They always have completely contrary opinions about one thing, and cannot reach an agreement because of their stubbornness. If getting married, one would always think about his/her own advantages and feelings, which would hurt the other.
See more about Chinese Zodiac Sign Compatibilityd

Career: Basically, your career luck is good. You will realize your job is much easier than before. You will receive the training, education and assistances from others. You have better knowledge to handle your position. But you still need to stay alert. Any negligence on your duty will ruin your reputation and career development.

Job Change: If you have a job opportunity at a different company, then you had better think twice before accepting the offer. A strong wind of Monkey is coming. That’s an unstable sign.

Wealth: The money luck is good, if you are humble and play low profile. If you slide into the arrogant and complacent attitude, then you won’t get any fortune.

Love: You will find people care about you very much. If you are looking for love, then attend more social activities and you will feel many people are interested on you. If you are in love, you need to plan more romantic moments for your lover.

Social Circle: Your people relationship is great. People care and concern about you. They will give you lots of courage, sponsor and Compliment. That might spoil your personality. You should be humble and never proud of you fortune or achievement. Otherwise, jealous people will give you negative reputation.

Quarrel: If you have argument, dispute or lawsuit with someone, then that will waste your time, energy and money. To negotiate with the opposite party will be the best approach. Otherwise, it might become a big and long event.

Health: Watch out for diabetes, diarrhea, bladder and neuralgic pain.

General Fortune: The good fortune sign is coming. You will be excited. You have good energy and will be eager for actions. But you need to look well before each leap. Thus a promising winner won’t become a loser.

Note: Don’t be too serious about the above predictions. Since using the only the birth year zodiac sign, the predictions cover only 12.5% of your 2016 fortune. If your Lucky Element is Metal, you will have good luck in the year of the Monkey. See the Chinese Five Element Astrology and the Rise and Fall Chart below.

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