Brett Loading His Bookshelf - Strawbale House Build in Redmond Western Australia

Brett Loading His Bookshelf – Strawbale House Build in Redmond Western Australia

Brett Loading His Bookshelf - Strawbale House Build in Redmond Western Australia

Another long-anticipated milestone: Brett loading his office bookshelf with books long hidden away in packing boxes. This was the moment Sue had been particularly looking forward to for nearly four weeks while working on the DIY bookshelf part-time as an anniversary present for Brett. It’s funny how the owner-building process sequencing works: The shelf had to be completed before the office itself, since we desperately needed to get the book boxes out of the way to be able to get at the floor space: Skirtings and architraves to go before the room is finished. – Likewise, work on the two hallway storage cupboards had to precede decorating the hallway and cleaning and sealing the guest wing floor (the next big items on the agenda), just to get more boxes unpacked and out of the way…

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