Day 1: 4 extra shelves and 60 x 40cm battens cut to size

Day 1: 4 extra shelves and 60 x 40cm battens cut to size

Day 1: 4 extra shelves and 60 x 40cm battens cut to size

This is what 2.5 hours of sawing gets you (including a little tea break with choccie bics half way!).

Two of the shelves are from rather odd ‘foil’ covered chipboard (i.e. fake) and two from thinner ply left over from making the bed last year. They’ll make the top- and bottom-most shelves, each side.

4 of the battens are cut from slightly different sized wood: I ran out of the wood I’d bought (because I’ve added another shelf to the design) and had to use some bits I found in the shed. Hey, I can make this up as I go along if I’m careful – it’s no Space Shuttle after all.

The plan, by the way, I created using Thorsten Lemke’s excellent "CADintosh" (hard to get to grips with, but worth the effort).

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