You see nothing of the old buildings

You see nothing of the old buildings

You see nothing of the old buildings



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des Architekten

HERMA – paperware plant –
production plant for innovative adhesives and self adhesive coated paper + mechanical Engineering
Mechanical engineering is one of the oldest and broadest of the engineering disciplines.

Herma Bonlanden – renommiertester Etikettenhersteller seit 1906
erstklassiges Produkt „Made in Germany“
sowie Entwicklung und Konstruktion von Etikettier-Maschinen
und eigene Produktion von Maschinen

Der Industriezweig Maschinenbau entstand aus dem Handwerk der Metallbearbeitung, durch Mühlenbauer,Schmiede und Schlosser begleitet von Elektroniker.

HERMA in Hungary
Endline Herma 400

Herma machines for Labels
Modern Tools – Mechatronics and robotics

HERMA H400 is one of the most versatile wipe-on pressure-sensitive label applicators due to its variety of unique, modular configurations.

The key is the HERMA’s basic servo drive unit, which remains the same throughout the 400 Series. This dependable motor powers the entire range of modules Weber offers. As a result, any Herma applicator easily can be reconfigured for higher-speeds or for an alternate method of application if future labeling demands change.

HERMA H400 Label Applicator Speed Test

the base version HERMA H400 can easily label up to 131 feet/minute and with additional powered unwinder and loop unwinder, it can handle speeds up to 426 feet/minute!.

Fully Automatic Label Applicators working in Tandem apply Labels

Kontaktlos Drucken auf Herma Papier

Herma 400 and MACSA laser ( CO2 Laser ) – MACSA™ lasers are used for coding and marking products made from a range of materials including paper, cardboard, plastics (including PET and PVC), glass, many metals and wood. High quality messages and graphics are produced at minimal production costs, often at high speed. Applications News provides a regular summary of the products which are coded and marked by Macsa lasers: every day and world-wide. Coca Cola bottle marked by KIP high speed Macsa laser.

Laser Engraving on Timber with CO2 Laser
by Macsa ID


Macsa K-1010 PLUS Football Shoes Customization

plus Lager Logistik

2008 – Neubau Hochregallager für 5-Tonnen-Rollen und Paletten mit direkter Produktionsanbindung und speziellen Rollenhandlingsautomaten.

Automatisches Hochregallager für Rohware, Halbfertigware und Fertigware mit direkter Anbindung an die neue Beschichtungsmaschine.

Hörmann intra Logistics System

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