1000 Photos on Flickr! The Flash Chronicles Episode 1: Crawford Chemical Catastrophe (Part 2)

1000 Photos on Flickr! The Flash Chronicles Episode 1: Crawford Chemical Catastrophe (Part 2)

1000 Photos on Flickr! The Flash Chronicles Episode 1: Crawford Chemical Catastrophe (Part 2)

Jake Hamston: It’s about damn time Eel! Where you been?

Eel: Sorry man, I was buying this new car with the money we got. Pretty sick, huh?

Now you listen to me Eel. We can’t just go and buy everything we want now that we have money. If Lex Luthor finds out we stole his shrinking machine then he’s gonna send his goons to come get us. And you know what happens when Luthor’s goons catch people like us.

Speaking of the machine, I heard on the news that someone got killed and they can’t identify who it is because his head and hands are shrunken. Was that ‘chu?

Jake Hamston: Eel, I had to kill the guy, he was about to expose us.

Eel: Jake we don’t kill! That’s da number one rule! Especially not Jimmy, he was going to help us out with the chemical center job.

He was gonna expose us you fool. Our number one rule might be to not kill, but are you willing to go to jail for it?

Eel: It still ain’t right. Now let’s get outta here before the cops start circling around the alleys, we gotta get back to the shed and talk about how we’re going to make that heist tomorrow night.

Jake Hamston: You have the package right?

Yeah, it’s in the false bottom under the trunk. We can use it for the heist tomorrow.

Pat ‘Eel’ O’ Brian and Jake Hamston get into the Mercedes and drive off to their shed in the far corner of Keystone City. Meanwhile, Barry finds conclusive evidence that confirms the cause of death was excessive blood loss and that the weapon used in the homicide was indeed the shrinking device produced by LexCorp. Just as he jots down his findings, Patty walks in with more news on their case.

Barry, you aren’t going to believe what I found from these guys shoes. Turns out the mud is from Keystone city and there are traces of a rare chemical called Lx2 which is only found on Lexcorp’s plant in Keystone. I figured the person we were looking for works their so I brought up a list of employees in that sector of the plant and cross referenced that with our database to find anyone with a criminal background. I came up with one result. A man named Patrick O’ Brian. He’s been charged with multiple thefts, heists, and for resisting arrest on multiple occasions. Says here he tried smooth talking his way out of a sentence.

Barry reveals his findings as well and suddenly has a thought.

So what probably happened is that O’Brian stole the shrinking device from the Lexcorp plant and used it on our victim. Chances are he’s going to use it again so we better find him before that happens. Did you get an address?

Patty replied: Yeah, his residential is at 1085 Keystone Drive but he also is registered to own a shed out by the outskirts of Keystone.

So let’s split up, I’ll go to the shed and you go to his residential, hopefully he’s in one of those places.

Barry drives up to the shed and finds that the door is unhinged and he walks through it. He sees a shadow in the distance and suddenly two figures emerge from the darkness.

Dammit Jake they found us! We gotta run, get the gear and let’s go!

Don’t use our names ya idiot, get in the car!

Stop! This is police business, I just need to bring you in, no harm is necessary for either of us!

Barry swivels around the corner to find that the two suspects have already ran 5-6 miles ahead of him with their car. He lunges forward in hopes to get to his car which is parallel to the convertible the two culprits are driving. Suddenly, Barry finds himself next to the car running at the same pace as the speeding car!

What the hell man, he’s some sort of freak cop!

Whatchu mean freak cop Eel he’s not like that alien in Metropolis!

Look out the window Jake, he’s right next to us!

Shoot! What on earth is this, since when does Central City have metahumans working with them?!

Barry looks down and sees his feet moving so fast that his shoes start to burn up. He attempts to stop running but with the momentum he has built up, his foot trips over a large dirt bump and causes him to lunge forward 8 feet. He looks back at the dirt road and sees a huge imprint of his tracks side-by-side with the convertibles tracks. Barry stands up and suddenly falls right back down unto a stack of hay. He faints from amazement at what he just saw and blacks out for 4 hours. He hears a distant police car and hears Patty Spivot yell.

There he is! Quick call an ambulance! Barry? Barry, what happened?

I’m not sure, I was chasing Eel and his partner and then I blacked out.

Why on Earth were you running for that long? There’s no way you could’ve caught up to them!

Yeah, I’m not sure. But I did get some information about our perp. Turns out he was working with a guy named Jake, and they left in a hurry from the shed so we might still be able to find something there.

Alright, nice job Barry. Do you still need an ambulance?

No I’ll be fine, lets just go to the shed.

Barry and Patty find Eel and Jake’s plans to invade Crawford Chemical and after reporting it to Director Singh, they go there to apprehend the suspects. Barry walks into the building and sees two figures walking across a long bridge that runs around the chemicals.

Patty, there! Up on the bridge it’s them.

Patty blurts out: POLICE! Stop where you are and put your hands up!

Jake takes out a gun and begins to shoot at Barry and Patty.

Eel desperately calls out: Jake! Man we can’t be cop killers just run man!

Nah man, I can’t deal with this anymore! If I want to get outta this country I gotta tie up the loose ends and these guys are the last ties I have to this godforsaken city! Just take the money and run!

Eel runs out the back door of Crawford Chemicals only to find that the CCPD have been waiting for him to run out. He puts his hands up and drops the money bags. Director Singh yells out:

Take him back to Gotham. I owe Gordon a favor and he said he’d take care of this one.

He points at Eel and one of the rookie cops cuffs him and puts him on a police transport truck off to Gotham.
In the building, Patty chases after Jake while Barry tries to cut him off on the other side of the bridge. He is finally stuck between the two detectives and has no where to go but in jail.

Jake Hamston looks at his options and he knows that there are only two.

Ya listen to me cops, I ain’t gon’ go back to jail. I’m not staying in this city no more.

Patty replies: Listen to me Jake, you don’t want to do anything irrational, just put the gun down and lets talk about this.

There’s nothing to talk about no more. This is the end of the line for me.

Jake raises the gun up to his head and Barry hears two pops of a gun. He opens his eyes and sees Jake stumble backwards against a fence.

He looks past Jake to see Patty with a smoking gun and Jake’s gun on the floor with his fingers shot off and on the floor. Barry watches as Jake stumbles back amazed, and backs up into the bridge fence and flips over it. He fumbles and falls into a huge pit of Crawford Chemicals, ending his stay at any city, permanently. Patty breaks down and begins to cry. Barry runs up to her and tells her it was all she could do. The CCPD barge in and begins to close this case.

The next day…

Barry walks into the CCPD building and sees that Patty Spivot’s stuff has been moved out and the desk is clear. He walks into Singhs office and asks where she went.

Patty was traumatized by the Crawford incident. Usually, a cop can handle that kind of scar but Patty was just a detective, they’re not trained for that kind of stuff. She left the force, but I’m bringing in a new guy from over at Keystone, he’s a major success there and he has a background in science as well so he can probably help you on some of the cases down at forensics Barry.

Just as Singh says that the elevator door dings and out comes the new detective scientist from Keystone.

Ah! There he is now. Barry, I’d like you to meet your new partner, Eddie Thawne.
Well, Part II is finally here! I hit 1,000 photos and I’d like to thank each and every one of you for supporting me for this long and taking time out of your day to look at my photos! It means a lot :). Special thanks to @FILMGMR for helping me out for the picture, he gave me a lot of input on what to do and I like how it turned out. Definitely think the quality of the picture has gone up compared to previous pictures. I also have been here for 2 years now! I started July of 2012 and time has passed by quick. I hope to be here for 1,000 more pictures! Again, thanks to everyone so much and I hope you like my story! Im working on Episode II now, and also have a lot of new announcements which I will tell you guys about in my next photo.
Oh and sorry if you weren’t tagged, I tried to tag as many people as possible!

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