Losing weight is definitely not an easy task, it requires consistency, discipline, patience, and hard work. For some, it can take a few months to reach their fitness goals, but for many, it can take years. When you struggle with weight, you often hear comments from people.
It can be wordless or loud and clear but comments about weight surely stay in the memory. Tired of all the taunts and comments about her weight gain post her pregnancy, Soumya B Hegde, a nutritionist and fitness expert decided to take on the challenge of weight loss.
She shared her weight loss story with us and how she lost 22 kilos in a span of eight months. Harsh comments from the people pushed me to work towards my weight loss goals. I took it as a challenge, I wanted to prove them wrong at any cost.
I took their hurtful comments as a motivation to work on myself without answering them back through words but only through actions.
I know action speaks louder than words.
I just wanted to lose weight at any cost. I constantly used to remember my goals day and night. Esp every morning I wake up, and before I go to bed,
I always used to visualise myself as very fit, and people asking me for advice. I used to believe it as reality.
I also knew results take time, so I was very much consistent with my goals. We can follow a real strong diet plan which is really worth working for us : galauniversal12.systeme.io/f3c2b1c7

I knew sometimes I might see fast results, sometimes it gets slower. But I should not lose sight of my goals, never be discouraged. I believed in myself, I never gave up.
I knew with continued efforts I will reach my goal any day. I made my mindset like that.
My diet was a mix of a balanced diet, low to moderate carb diet, or intermittent fasting. I used to change my diet very often to prevent my body from getting used to it and to prevent a plateau. But most of the time,
I stuck to a balanced diet. I used to drink lots of water daily.
There are no shortcuts for weight loss. We have to stay consistent with our efforts to lose weight. Extreme or starvation diets don’t work in the long term. There are high chances of giving up.
So, we should follow a diet that is most sustainable for us than to blindly follow what others do. My mantra was not to give up at any cost, I should keep on doing till I reach my final goal by believing in myself.

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