And whatsoever ye do ....

And whatsoever ye do ….

And whatsoever ye do ....

"And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men."
Colossians 3:23

Many beautiful messages on this channel of the Tribulation-Now Radio.This one in particular is a very long one and very fascinating.This mentions many subjects e.g. California big earthquake prophecy, Middleast conflict, HARRP, BlueBeam, Chemtrails, end time subjects (not to scare but to inspire ), conspiracy theories ( you believe or not ) and most of all. the inspiring message of Kat Kerr. To pet lovers including myself, isn’t it an amazing idea to met our adored dead pets when we are back home ( heavenly realm ) . I do believe if God loved us He will give our hearts desires, that’s His word and we stand by His word. Though He will not give everything we asked for here on this earthly existince especially we live in our finite corruptible bodies, that we can potentially misuse them to our own destruction that would lead us away from Him. We should be aware, God didn’t create man like robots. We are given the power to choose of good and evil. We see many sufferings, because man is cursed, we are living under sin. Many do question God for the sufferings. Unfortunately, man is so gullible, we are. His first created human submitted to the temptation in the garden of Eden through Eve , where the fall of all humanity begun. He could have prevented it to happen but God didn’t, as that’s the choice of man. Maybe God said ( my own version ) that’s it – you live with it !

This is my understanding, we come from the breathe of God, so we belong to God. But sadly his creation was corrupted by the Devil . But His enormous love for us made Him sent his only begotten Son, also known as the Word of God, Jesus to be born in the flesh, He died for us as the sacrificial lamb of God in place of us, who should have died for the sins we commited. In the old testament, people were ask to make animal sacrifices for their sins. Can you imagine us, making animal sacrifices everytime we sin ? It would cost a fortune as we sin so much. Like for instance, being angry to someone is the same as commiting murder, whoa how many murders have I committed then ? Looking at a woman ( not your wife) in a lustful way ( for married men) is like commiting adultery. Jesus came and died for us once and for all. He is the Word of God who died for us instead of us. Isn’t this an enornmous free gift alone and many can’t appreciate in their hearts what the "Word of God" a persona of God, the Son of God did for us to be save. Jesus died for you and me for redemption ?
Those who believe in faith of His Word, His Son who shed His blood and died on the cross will be saved.
There’s also big Angel wars happening before man, and still happening today to corrupt God’s special creation in his image – that’s man. This is found in Genesis 6 ,where the Angelic watchers came down on earth and came on women and bore children on them (hybrids) . All this spiritual angelic wars will culminate at the Armaggedon . Basically, mankind is caught up in the middle. What awaits us who accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and saviour after this earthly realm is over will be supernaturally transformed mankind in the image of God. Lucifer and the fallen ones can’t stand the plan of God for mankind. Lucifer and the fallen angels knew their time is getting close for judgement . They worked hard to corrupt men. When all these things and wars come to the point of Armaggedon, Jesus returns and His Angel will chain Lucifer and seal him to the pit for a thousand years, away from sight and influence mankind during Jesus Christ’ physical reign during the Millineal Kingdom on earth for a thousand years ( this isn’t heaven yet ) , so when Jesus comes, there’s new Earth . I encourage many to have a Bible and read it, get closer to God, seek God through Jesus and truly when there is still time. When death comes, and you aren’t saved, you lost it all. Now is the time, don’t leave it late. Why gamble our eternity through self pride and disbelief.

If you are given 2 Billion Dollars /Euros and live in abundance and fame like Madonna and all those celebs with all the comforts and convenience with all excesses of this world but in exchange of living against the commandments of God, would you take it ?
I’m not saying it’s bad to be wealthy , as God blessed His people he choose. But to be wealthy by rejecting God and putting His will behind our lives and living on the dictates of this world is certainly an act of rejection of God. It ‘s giving the room for the devil to operate in ones life.
Even a person who call himself a christian but living a life of this world, is classified as a liar. "We can not serve two masters".To love the things of this world more than God Himself, is defined in Biblical terms as an enemy to God.
Choose Jesus 🙂

Being close to the Lord is so beautiful. We serve a really awesome God through Christ !
Once you are born- again you will feel it in your spirit the true presence of God, the true connection with God through Christ and nothing can break that connection .

"Jesus answered, Verily, verily I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God. That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit. Marvel not that I said unto thee, Ye must be born again."
John 3:3-7.

Have Jesus as your personal saviour and Lord and be born – again in the Spirit of God !

*Tribulation-Now Radio, 11th Nov 2012 – ‘Revealing Heaven with Kat Kerr’ (MUST Listen )

Would you believe Aaron Swartz commited suicide or was it a very dark conspiracy ….
*Visionary internet activist Aaron Swartz found dead; was this brilliant internet revolutionary ‘taken out?’

* Who Killed Aaron Swartz?

* Mythology and the Coming Great Deception (Rob Skiba) Full Video – Fascinating message which would relate to the great deception coming . Try to listen if you can !

* Dr. Scott Johnson 1/13/13 – (1/4) Transhumanism, DNA, Vaccinations, Flu Epidemic

* The Gospel Of Salvation In The Tribulation

* EU to force Peace Plan on Israel for Two State Solution; Tidal Wave,Tsunami, Dreams Interpreted

* Hundreds of Thousands Rally Against Gay Marraiges in Paris

* EXO-VATICANA Disclosure Update Tom Horn w/ Steve Quayle The coming deception or part of the big agenda now bulging at the seams – the unveiling is at hand !

* Vatican tied Mount Graham Observatory launches LUCIFER Telescope

* Former Video Model Says "She Was Told To Chant "666" At A Rick Ross Video

* wicked music industry

* Egypt’s Coptic Christians fleeing country after Islamist takeover

* Doctors euthanize deaf Belgian identical twins who could not bear to go blind

* CIVIL WAR IN AMERICA? It could happen again says expert!
Dr Grace Vouto at PPSimmons

* Master Plan for Rapture Ready

* Tribulation Saint Wannabes

* A thousand Dolphins Stampede In Extremely Rare Event

* Incredible wall of sand whipped up by cyclone hits remote stretch of Western Australia coast

Is this surprising info of Jimmy Savile ? Surely he was, this just simply confirms ! Great unveiling of evil is
* Jimmy Savile was Part of Satanic Ring

* Derek Prince – How To Apply The Blood

* Should Christians use violence in self defense?

* Letter From Saudi Arabia… Time Is Almost Over By Paul Begley Prophecy

* Walid Shoebat Talks about Barack Obama bowing to the Saudi King

* U.K. official to Obama: Butt out
Accuses U.S. of ‘trying to frighten the British people’

* Back off, Barack! Britain will leave EU

* Obama interested in ‘Allah-is-God’ curriculum
I had goose bumps when I read this. A creepy warning
sign, don’t you think so ? Not being rude to our muslim friends,
but Alah and our Judeo Christian God are two different entities .
Alah isn’t the same God of the Christians and Jews.

* What does the book of Revelation tell us about how end time events will unfold?

Amazing finding !
* Jesus Blood Still Alive

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