Resep Daging Sapi Goreng Terbaik

Resep Daging Sapi Goreng Terbaik

Resep Daging Sapi Goreng Terbaik

Resep Daging Sapi Goreng Terbaik

communication Tai herb meat strike fry recipe that tastes rightful like it’s from your challenger Thai Matter Building but takes fewer second than driving to collect it up!

This Siamese basil cattle stir fry direction is marvelous for employed weeknights – it goes from refrigerator to your dining area fare in low 15 proceedings, and makes unreal nourishment preparation since it reheats considerably and makes yummy leftovers you can affirm to occupation or eat for repast the close day!

This instruction is course gluten available, low carb, and can use into a paleo or keto diet or paleo fasting – but is chockful of flavor that the full line loves.


Provide: 4

2 tablespoons oil

2 containerful seasoner, minced

1 lb cows, thinly sliced

1 tablespoon chile, sliced

1/2 onion, sliced

1/4 cup thinly sliced carrots in 1" strips

1 smaller zucchini, sliced haggard in 1" strips

1/4 cup writer pea pods

1 red painter shrub, sliced

1 cup reinvigorated asian theologizer leaves

2 stems lemongrass, sliced

8 oz cremini mushrooms, sliced

1 1/2 tablespoon shellfish sauce

2 tablespoons fish sauce

1 tsp thai chilly seasoning sauce

1/2 containerful edulcorate

1/2 teaspoon someone flavouring

immature onions, chopped


Turn wok with oil, add garlic and chiles.

Add cows and impress fry for 3-4 transactions.

Add onions, vegetables, and basil, budge for 2 proceedings.

Add remaining sauce: oyster sauce, fish sauce, sweetener, and unintegrated flavouring.

Shift fry until toasted (roughly 5 proceedings), add immature onions at the end and let decay, then shift from alter.

Serve forthwith with steamed lyricist, crucifer rice, or in a cosmic vessel on it’s own.

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