FW V1.17ECOSISTEMAS Services is the only owner-operated
and supervised specialist arboricultural company
serving the whole of the Algarve .
With over 20 years experience in the tree care
industry, we are able to offer a wide range of
arboricultural services.
From simple pruning jobs to major crown reduction
and felling work through to stump grinding, we are
fully equipped with professional machinery and
qualified, experienced staff in order to provide you
or your clients with a quality service.
Telephone or e-mail for a consultancy to examine the best proposals and ideas for the treatment of your trees. ecossistemas é a única firma especializada em Arboricultura dirigida e operada pelo próprio dono na região do Algarve.
Com mais de 20 anos de experiência na indústria de cuidados de árvores, podemos oferecer uma larga gama de serviços em arboriculturas.
Da poda simples, redução extensiva da coroa, cortagem, e até trituração de resíduos verdes, estamos bem equipados com maquinaria profissional, pessoal qualificados e experiente para oferecer ao Sr. ou aos seus clientes um serviço de qualidade.
Telefone ou escreva um e-mail para uma visita de consulta sem compromisso para examinar as melhores propostas ou ideias no tratamento das suas árvores.
arvores .centro de Jardinagem,projectos de jardins ,arqitectura paisagistica algarve ,garden centre algarve Inspection
We can advise how best to care
for your trees, determining what
is necessary to maintain or improve
the health, appearance and safety.
We issue fixed-price quotations,
not estimates, for any required work.
Brushwood Chipper Service
All prunings are cleared using
heavy-duty wood chippers in order
that the work areas are left in a neat and tidy condition.
These machines, with an operator are
available for hire at an hourly r
Felling and Dismantling
If it is necessary or desirable to remove
a tree, we have the equipment and expertise to dismantle it safely. We specialise in the removal of trees from awkward areas such
as adjacent to swimming pools and buildings or when they are in close proximity to overhead cables.
Abates e Desmontagens
Stump Grinding
After felling, our clients can choose to have
the tree stump removed by us using
professional stump grinding machinery.
Or if you have unsightly stumps from
previously felled trees, we can grind
them out and reinstate your lawn.
Remoção dos Tocos
Specialist Pruning including Fruit Trees
With over 20 years experience, we have
the expertise and equipment to carry out
all aspects of tree pruning, particularly where technical knowledge is required in order to maximise crop production or improve the health and appearance.
Poda Especializado
Tree-Pest Treatment ,Control Diseases especialized team for control and detection of diseases or plague, which can be detected in every kind of plants in your garden.
If you need further information, contact us! (Rhynchophorus Ferrugineus)Pine Trees Caterpillar
The annual infestation of Pine Trees (Pinus Pinea) by the processionary caterpillar begins to take effect in the end of summer.
This pest, which is found mainly in Mediterranean and Atlantic regions, causes extreme damage to the pine trees and also worrying skin irritations on humans and animals.
ECOSSISTEMAS has devised a biological product composed of bacteria, “Bacillus Thuringiensis”, which has no toxicity to people and the environment.
It is advisable that this treatment is initiated in the autumn to prevent the caterpillar from hatching in January and causing maximum damage.
If you are interested in treating your pine trees then please do not hesitate to contact us.Red Palm Weevil
A phyto-sanitary team from ECOVIVEIROS Garden Centre, was called out after concerns from a worried client that their majestic palm tree (a Phoenix Canariensis, 8mtrs tall), was showing extreme signs of wilting and distress. On examination, it was discovered to be slowly dying due to an infestation of Red Palm Weevil (Rhynchophorus Ferrugineus), an extremely preoccupying situation, as this shows that this pest which originated in India in 1891, and has over the last two centuries, been found in Egypt, Arabian Gulf countries, Spain (2004) has now arrived to Portugal, most notably, Albufeira and Silves area in the Algarve.
The Red Palm Weevil is the most dangerous and deadly pest of Date, Coconut, Oil, Sago and other Palms. There is no cure, only prevention.
Until the 1970´s, the pest was found only in the tropics.
Since then it has destroyed the following:
1984 – Arabian Emirates – 200,000 palms
1987 – Saudi Arabia – 200,000 palms
1993 – Egypt – 270,000 palms
1995 – Malaga – 2000 palms
2004 – Valencia – 220 palms
This is an extremely worrying situation, as a large proportion of this insect arriving to the European continent is due to the importation of palm trees from Egypt, where 22 out of 26 regions of the country are affected by the red palm weevil. In Spain, in 2004, an embargo was declared, prohibiting the sale of Valencian palm trees, which is the capital of Palm tree production in Europe.
The transport of palms from already infected areas has contributed to the spread of this pest. Strict quarantine at international and national levels should be applied.
The weevil, of which in adult stage can be recognised by its very reddish, orange colour, commences flight when temperatures reach between 25º – 40º. It dislikes light, therefore it is difficult to detect, as it buries itself into the interior of the palm tree, where the female then lays between 200 – 300 eggs, which are the size of a grain of rice.
All stages (life cycle) are spent inside the palm. After the female lays the eggs, they hatch in 2-5 days into larvae (1.4cms in length), which then feed on the soft interior tissues of the palm. This larval period varies between 1-3 months, where the larvae then pupate inside an oval, cylindrical cocoon, made from fibrous strands, and dark brown in colour. After about 14 – 21 days, the adult weevil emerges.
There is no effective biological cure for this pest. The best method is preventative. The crowns of palm trees should be cleaned regularly, to prevent the accumulation of dead and decaying leaves. Avoid cuts and injuries to the palm. When cutting green leaves, cut them about 120cm away from the base. All dead palms or palms beyond recovery should be cut and burned to eradicate the pest inside.
The weevils can also be trapped by luring them into a trap bucket called a “Saudi Trap.” This is a 15lt bucket with sturdy walls with a 4cm diameter opening which contains a 5cm solution of water, sugar and a carbolic based insecticide and pieces of palm stem. This is then fixed to the trunk of the palm about 1.5m from the base. This pest is extremely difficult to detect without a thorough examination of the tree. We can be alerted to its presence by a sad, wilting appearance of the palm and new leaves showing a reddish colour.
have a team on hand to deal with all enquiries, and have already alerted the Ministry of Agriculture, where they are working in close conjunction to devise a plan on the controlling of this pest.
during the Summer of 1991. It is currently being renewed and modernized to keep up with an expanding and competitive market. produces most of the plants for sale in its garden center. Other than ornamental shrubs, ornamental trees, a wide variety of fruit trees, annuals, indoor plants, cacti, tropical plants, palm trees, rosebushes, seasonal plants, climbers and others, we also market compost for pots and garden, pine bark, peats and organic as well as specific chemical fertilizers, plastic, glazed and terracota pots.este viveiro passou a fazer parte da durante o Verão de 1991. Neste momento está a ser renovado e modernizado para poder dar resposta a um mercado competitivo e em expansão. produz a maior parte das plantas à venda no seu garden center. Para além de arbustos e árvores ornamentais, uma grande variedade de árvores de fruto, anuais, plantas de interior, cactos, plantas tropicais, palmeiras, roseiras, plantas de época, trepadeiras e outras, também comercializamos composto para vasos e jardim, casca de pinheiro, turfas, fertilizantes químicos e naturais, e vasos de terracota e plástico.
Monday to Friday: Open from 8am to 1pm and from 2pm to 6pm. Closed on Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays. Segunda a Sexta: Aberto das 8h00 às 13h00 e das 14h00 às 18h00. Encerrado Sábado, Domingo e Feriados.
Ecossistemas leads the market in garden maintenance and garden services. Skilled gardeners with all the the necessary tools for professional work offer you a wide range of services always with outstanding results. Our regular garden maintenance costumers benefit from a weekly gardening service on a fixed schedule – every week the job gets done on the same day at the same time. Other casual garden services can be scheduled in advance. A ecossistemas lidera o mercado em manutenção de jardim e serviços de jardinagem. Jardineiros profissionais munidos com todas a ferramentas necessárias oferecem-lhe um vasto leque de serviços sempre com os melhores resultados. Os nossos clientes habituais beneficiam de uma manutenção de jardim semanal num horário fixo – todas as semanas os serviços são prestados no mesmo dia à mesma hora. Outros serviços de jardinagem casuais podem ser marcados com antecedência.
•Palm tree treatment against Rhynchophorus ferrugineus (Red Palm Weevil)
•Pine tree treatment against Thaumetopoea pityocampa (Pine Processionary)
•Lawn treatment against Spodoptera cilium (Lawn Caterpillar) and other lawn pests/diseases
•Lawn verticut
•Pruning or removal of big trees or palm trees
•Irrigation system revision
arvores .centro de jardinagem, projectos de jardins
arqitectura paisagistica algarve ,garden centre algarve
•Tratamento de palmeiras contra Rhynchophorus ferrugineus (Escaravelho da Palmeira)
•Tratamento de pinheiros contra Thaumetopoea pityocampa (Processionária do Pinheiro)
•Tratamento de relvados contra Spodoptera cilium (Lagarta da Relva) e outras pragas/doenças
•Escarificação de relvados
•Poda ou remoção de árvores ou palmeiras de grandes dimensões
•Revisão de sistemas de rega
,ECOSSISTEMAS e oLIVEIRAS DE PORTUGAL COM A ECOVIVEIROOS pela sua actividade. O proprietário dos conhecidos viveiros ECOSSISTEMAS tem vindo a ganhar crescente notoriedade, por força do seu profissionalismo e pela forma apaixonada como defende as suas causas..E a mais importante de todas é, sem dúvida, a preservação das oliveiras portuguesas, consideradas por OLIVEIRAS DE PORTUGAL como uma das “espécies mais fantásticas da paisagem mediterrânica”. Lamenta que esta árvore não esteja protegida pela legislação nacional e seja, hoje em dia, preterida nos jardins portugueses por palmeiras ou buganvílias, estranhas ao nosso ambiente natural e que necessitam, inclusive, de mais manutenção e grandes quantidades de água.E a que se deve este desencanto por uma das árvores seculares da nossaflora. ECOSSISTMAS aponta, por um lado, a mentalidade das pessoas, rendidas às espécies exóticas, e por outro o desleixo com que as árvores autóctones – de que as oliveiras fazem parte – são tratadas. O trabalho é mal feito desde o início, a árvore não é bem trabalhada”, observa. “Há muitos particulares que desistem de comprar oliveiras,porque as vêm sem qualidade plantadas pelas câmaras municipais em rotundas. São árvores muito feias, porque foram mal podadas, e isso influencia negativamente as pessoas”. Admite que as contenções orçamentais acabem porcondicionar a compra de árvores mais bem cuidadas por parte das autarquias, mas aponta as vantagens desta espécie. Não precisa de água, é muito resistente e até dá frutos.,Designing a garden with ECOSSITEMAS means introducing the concepts of good garden planning to achieve the most practical and aesthetically pleasing results, taking account of the natural environment and eliminating unnecessary water consumption wherever possible.After first contact with Natura and a visit to the garden or site, a plan is prepared to show how the transformation, whether big or small, will be carried out. Using hand sketched layouts and computer
generated plans for every element – such as irrigation, lighting, levelling, planting and unusual features – our multi-lingual staff can explain the works required and agree the desired final effect with the client.An estimate is prepared detailing every plant that will be introduced; the cost of saving and transplanting certain plants where required, and the cost of labour, machinery and extra materials. To present ideas and estimates, a nominal fee is made for complex projects requiring detailed architectural expertise from our in-house designers. For smaller projects, our qualified gardeners can provide free preliminary quotes.A typical project would include the following stages
,Plantas ornamentais e florestais. Árvores de fruto projectos, construção e manutenção de jardins,Projectos e instalação de sistemas de rega ,Calçada, Carvão e lenha, Lagos e cascatas, Materiais de construção, Muros, Pedra decorativa, Relva em tapete ,Serviços, Abate de árvores, Camiões, Escavações, Terraplanagem,Limpeza de terrenos. Terraplanagem e escavações. Aluguer de máquinas. Camiões. Construção civil. Materiais de construção,Pavimentos. Calçada. Pedra regional. Pedra rolada. Lage,Muros. Carvão. Cascas de pinho. Tratamento de palmeiras. ,Limpeza e abate de árvores. Sulipas,Terra,Limpeza de terrenos, terraplanagem e escavações,Aluguer de maquinas,Construção e renovação de jardins,Construção de lagos e cascatas,Construção de muros,Construção Civil,Venda de pedras decorativas,regionais,roladas e lage,de jardim,ECOSSISTEMAS é uma empresa capaz de responder com eficácia a qualquer necessidade no âmbito da construção e manutenção de jardins e espaços verdes. A ECOSSISTEMAS trabalha com um conjunto de fornecedores de materiais para construção de Jardins. Esta empresa não funciona apenas como empreiteira de jardins, mas como consultora de todo o tipo de espaços verdes. Fazemos a Plantas ornamentais e florestais. Árvores de fruto projectos, construção e manutenção de jardins,Projectos e instalação de sistemas de rega ,Calçada, Carvão e lenha, Lagos e cascatas, Materiais de construção, Muros, Pedra decorativa, Relva em tapete ,Serviços, Abate de árvores, Camiões, Escavações, Terraplanagem,Limpeza de terrenos. Terraplanagem e escavações. Aluguer de máquinas. Camiões. Construção civil. Materiais de construção,Pavimentos. Calçada. Pedra regional. Pedra rolada. Lage,Muros. Carvão. Cascas de pinho. Tratamento de palmeiras. ,Limpeza e abate de árvores. Sulipas,Terra,Limpeza de terrenos, terraplanagem e escavações,Aluguer de maquinas,Construção e renovação de jardins,Construção de lagos e cascatas,Construção de muros,Construção Civil,Venda de pedras decorativas,regionais,roladas e lage,de jardim