Location of areas used by many Tuncurry boatbuilders

Location of areas used by many Tuncurry boatbuilders

Location of areas used by many Tuncurry boatbuilders

The above image comes from a Plan of Portion 255, of the map of the Village of Tuncurry 1934.

The sections outlined in red are original, as to the surveyors report on the 23rd June 1955, for the replacement of the old wharf leased by Jimmy Nicholson for the mooring of his boats.

The old wharf can be seen visibly isolated out from a tidal inlet that was surrounded by sandstone ballast dumped from the trading coastal schooners. Access to the wharf was by a raised timber walkway that connected the wharf with the laneway, running behind the houses (now known as Leo Amato Close)

The small peninsular of land noted by the arrow was adjacent to the coal loader wharf, and the construction area of many fishing vessels built on the waterfront.

Running between Nicholson’s wharf and the coal loader was a small slip way that serviced a private boat shed, which was also subject to tidal movements over the stone ballast.

Many boats were built along this strip of the Tuncurry foreshore – boat builders included Jimmy Nicholson, Moore Hoy, Alec Sutherland, Alf Jahnsen and Leo Royan..

Image source: Nicholson Family Collection

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