October in the chair...

October in the chair…

October in the chair...

I really love Neil Gaiman’s writings, and his short story ‘October in the Chair’ is one of my all-time favourites… (you can find it in this collection if you’re curious. Go buy it – its wonderful. 🙂 )

…and it inspired this picture…

The twelve months sit around a small bonfire in a clearing in the woods, telling stories and sipping cider… October is in the Chair, so its Autumn-time, leaves falling, pumpkins lit.

I drew this with the end of the story in mind, when the tales have all been told, and the months get up, stretch their legs and disappear off into the woods and the night.

October and November linger a little while:

‘Your turn in the chair next time,’ said October.

‘I know.’ said November. He was pale and thin-lipped. He helped October out of the wooden chair. ‘I like your stories. Mine are always too dark.”

‘I don’t think so,’ said October. ‘It’s just that your nights are longer. And you aren’t as warm.’

‘Put it like that,’ said November, ‘and I feel better. I suppose we can’t help who we are.’

‘That’s the spirit,’ said his brother. And they touched hands as they walked away from the fire’s orange embers, taking their stories with them back into the dark.

(All italicised text and characters, etc copyright of Neil Gaiman.
Many thanks, cheers and very appreciative nods to him for sharing his strange, dark and beautiful worlds and creations with us all.)




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