WOW. 365–I did it!

Originally I planned to take some just in case shots, and then do a kissing photo of Adam and I at midnight. Luckily I scrapped that idea because the midnight picture did NOT work!

Instead I picked up some candles and this little cake from WalMart. The small print reads "to be continued…" as I’m still doing this in 2008!

Adam, Anna and B crowded around to give me a round of applause for my accomplishment.

I never once missed a picture (I came close a few times though!). I lost creative steam a few times, but it was so worth it.

I went through a LOT in 2007–my husband lost his job, started his own business, we went through a seperation, I made new friends, tried new things, and through it all I think I’m a way better person for it. I worked out more and shed about 10 pounds at the beginning of the year and I kept it off.

I got two new cell phones this year–with the first I started taking a lot of cameraphone pics. For Christmas I got an iPhone, which I’m sure will help with my pics in 2008.

I also got a new camera in 2007. While I miss the flip-out screen on my old PowerShot, the Fuji takes a quicker picture by far.

Ahead in 2008 is a vacation, our 3rd anniversary, and a cruise to the Bahamas.

Stay tuned!!

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