Wien, 1. Bezirk, Art of Facades of Vienna (Hofburg), Reichskanzleitrakt

Wien, 1. Bezirk, Art of Facades of Vienna (Hofburg), Reichskanzleitrakt

Wien, 1. Bezirk, Art of Facades of Vienna (Hofburg), Reichskanzleitrakt

History of the Vienna Hofburg
First residence
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With the elevation of Austria to Archduchy in 1156 Vienna became city of residence. From the residence of the Babenberg which was located on the present site "Am Hof", unfortunately there are no more remains left. After the extinction of the Babenberg, King Ottokar II Přemysl of Bohemia (1230-1278) took over by marriage the rule in Vienna and began in 1275 with the construction of a castle within the city walls of Vienna. This castle was equipped with four towers around a rectangular court that is known today as the Schweizerhof (Swiss court). In the fight for the German crown Ottokar was defeated at the Battle of Dürnkrut (Lower Austria) by Rudolf I of Habsburg (1218-1291) and killed during the retreat.
As the old residence of the Babenberg burnt about 1276, Rudolf probably in 1296 moved to the former castle of Ottokar 1279. The descendants of Rudolf extended the castle only slightly: chapel (documentary mention in 1296), St. Augustine’s Church (consecrated in 1349), reconstruction of the chapel (1423-1426) . Due to the division of the lands of the Habsburgs, Vienna lost its importance and it also lacked the financial resources to expand the castle.
Imperial residence
Under Frederick III. (1415-1493) acquired the Habsburgs the imperial title and Vienna became an imperial residence. But Friedrich and his successors used the Vienna Residence rarely and so it happened that the imperial residence temporarily orphaned. Only under Ferdinand I (1503-1564) Vienna again became the capital of the Archduchy. Under Ferdinand began a large construction: the three wings of the existing Swiss court were expanded and increased. The defensive wall in the northwest was as fourth wing with the Swiss Gate (built in 1552 probably by Pietro Ferrabosco ) rebuilt. In the southwest was a tract for Ferdinand’s children (the so-called "children Stöckl (Kinderstöckl)") added. The newly constituted authorities Exchequer and Chancery were domiciled in adjacent buildings at Castle Square. There were also an art chamber in the castle, a hospital, a passage from the castle to St. Augustine’s Church and a new ballroom.
First major extensions of the residence
In the area of the ​​"desolate church" built Ferdinand from 1559 a solitary residence for his son. However, the construction was delayed, and Maximilian II (1527-1576) moved after his father’s death in 1564 in the old castle. He had his residence for his Spanish horses in a Hofstallgebäude (Court stables building – Stallburg) converted and from 1565 increased.
Ferdinand I decided to divide his lands to his three sons, which led to a reduction of Vienna as a residence. Moreover, resided Maximilian II, who was awarded apart from Austria above and below the Enns also Bohemia and Hungary, readily in Prague and moved also the residence there. In 1575 he decided to build a new building opposite the Swiss court for the royal household of his eldest son, Rudolf II (1552-1612). The 1577 in the style of the late Renaissance completed and in 1610 expanded building, which was significantly fitted with a turret with "welscher hood" and an astronomical clock, but was inhabited by the governor of the Emperor (Archduke Ernst of Austria). However, the name "Amalienborg Castle" comes from Amalie of Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel (wife of Joseph I) that in 1711 there established her widow’s home.
In the late 16th and early 17th Century only a few extensions were carried out: extension of a separate tract in the northeast of the castle for the treasure and art chamber (1583-1585) as well as setting up of a dance hall in the area of ​​today’s Redoutensäle (1629-1631).
Under Leopold I the dance hall war rebuilt of Ludovico Burnacini 1659/1660 into a at that time modern theater ("Comedy House"). 1666 Leopold I had in the area of ​​today’s castle garden a new opera house with three tiers and a capacity of 5,000 persons built.
In the 1660-ies was under Leopold I (1640-1705) between the Amalienbourg and the Schweizerhof, the so-called Leopoldine Wing (Leopoldinischer Trakt), according to the plans of architect Filiberto Lucchese an elongated Flügelbau (wing building) built. Since, however, the tract shortly after the completion burned down, it has been newly built and increased by Giovanni Pietro Tencala. Due to its architectur, this tract connects yet more to the late Renaissance. The connection with the Amalienborg Castle followed then under Leopold’s son, Joseph I (1678-1711).
After completion of the Leopoldine Wing the in the southeast of the castle located Riding School was restored, the south tower of the old castle razed, the old sacristy of the castle chapel replaced by an extension. Under Charles VI. (1685-1740) the gatehouse between the Castle Yard and carbon market (Kohlmarkt) by Johann Lucas von Hildebrandt was transformed into a monumental triumphal portal as a representative signum of the imperial power. However, this construction does not exist anymore, it had to give way to the Michael tract.
Baroque redesign of the Hofburg
In the early 18th Century began an intense construction activity. The Emperor commissioned Johann Bernhard Fischer von Erlach with the construction of new stables outside the city walls as well as a new court library.
After the death of Johann Bernhard Fischer von Erlach whose son Joseph Emanuel Fischer von Erlach took over the supervision of the stables and the Imperial Library. 1725 the palatial front of the stables was completed. Since yet during the construction period has been noted that the stables were too smal dimensioned, the other wings were not realized anymore. The with frescoes by Daniel Gran and emperor statues of Paul Strudel equipped Court Library was completed in 1737.
Opposite of the Leopoldine Wing was supposed to be built a new Reich Chancellery. 1723 Johann Lucas von Hildebrandt was commissioned with the design. 1726, however, the Reich Chancellery was withdrawn the supervision and is was transferred to the Chancery and thus to Joseph Emanuel Fischer von Erlach, who also designed the adjacent court chamber and the front to St. Michael’s Church. 1728 were finished the court chamber and the facade of the two buildings. By Joseph Emanuel Fischer von Erlach was also planned the Michaelertrakt, the connection between the Winter Riding School and Reichskanzleitrakt (Imperial Chancellery Tract). However, since the old Burgtheater building was in the way, this was half done for a period of 150 years and was only completed in 1889-1893 by Ferdinand Kirschner.
Under Maria Theresa (1717-1780) was the at St. Michael’s Square located and only as remnants existing Ballhaus (ballhouse) adapted as a court theater. Beside the Kaiser hospital therefore a new ballhouse was built, which was name giving for the Ballhausplatz. Subsequently, there were over and over again modifications and adaptations: reconstruction of the comedy hall according to the plans of Jean Nicolas Jadot into two ballrooms, the small Redoutensaal and the large Redoutensaal (ball room) (1744-1748). The transformation of the two halls (since 1760), repair of the Court Library and since 1769 the design of the Josefsplatz followed under Joseph Nicolas of Pacassi. These buildings were completed by the successor of Pacassi Franz Anton Hillebrandt. As an extension building for the Royal Library was built in the southeast the Augustinian tract.
Other structural measures under Maria Theresa: establishment of the court pharmacy into the Stallburg, relocation of the in the Stallburg accommodated art collection to the Upper Belvedere, demolition of the remaining two towers of the old castle, the construction of two stairways (the ambassadors (Botschafterstiege) and the Säulenstiege (pillar stairway).
Extensions in the 19th Century and early 20th century
Francis II (1768-1835) gave Albert Duke of Saxe-Teschen and his wife Marie Christine (daughter of Maria Theresa), the Palais Tarouca south of the Augustinian monastery. From 1800 this was remodeled by Louis Montoyer and by a wing building expanded to the today’s Albertina.
1804 proclaimed Francis II the hereditary Empire of Austria and was thus as Francis I the first Austrian emperor. With the by Napoleon Bonaparte provoked abdication of the emperor in 1806 ended the Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation.
1809 part of the old bastions by the castle was blown up as a consequence of the war with Napoleon and afterwards razed. Towards to the today’s ring road then new outworks were layed out (the so-called Hornwerkskurtine and the Escarpen). In the early 20’s of the 19th Century were created three gardens: the private Imperial Castle Garden with two by Louis von Remy planned steel/glass-constructed greenhouses, Heroes Square with boulevards and the People garden with the Theseus Temple (Pietro Nobile). At the same time arised also the new, by Luigi Cagnola in 1821 begun and 1824 by Pietro Nobile completed outer castle gate.
1846 was built a monumental memorial to Francis I in the Interior Castle Square. In the turmoil of the 1848 Revolution the Stallburg was stormed and at the outer castle square as well as the castle gate fiercely fought. In the process burned the roof of the court library. The political consequences of the revolution were the abdication of Emperor Ferdinand I (1793-1875), the dismissal of the dreaded Chancellor Clemens Lothar Prince Metternich and the coronation of Ferdinand’s nephew Franz Joseph.
In the first years of the reign of Emperor Franz Joseph I (1830-1916) were converted the court stables by Leopold Mayer and expanded. As part of the expansion of the city, the city walls were razed and it emerged in place of the fort complex space for a magnificent boulevard, the Ringstrasse (Ring road). 1862, was born the idea of ​​an Imperial Forum of architect Ludwig Förster. On the surface between the Hofburg and the Imperial Stables should arise Court Museums (Art and Natural History Museum).
At the outer Castle Square (today’s Heldenplatz) were in the 60-ies of the 19th Century the by Anton Dominik Fernkorn created equestrian statues of Archduke Charles (defeated Napoleon at the Battle of Aspern-Essling) and Prince Eugene of Savoy (victor over the Turks in several battles) set.
After an unsuccessful architectural competition on the design of the Heroes square area in 1869 Gottfried Semper could be won. This led to the involuntary and not frictionless collaboration with Carl Freiherr von Hasenauer. Planned was a two-wing building over the ring road away with the two flanking twin museums (Art and Natural History Museum) and the old stables as a conclusion. 1871 was started with the Erdaushebungen (soil excavations) for the museums. 1889, the Natural History Museum was opened,1891 the Museum of Fine Arts (Kunsthistorisches Museum).
On a watercolor from 1873 by Rudolf Ritter von Alt (1812 – 1905), an overall view of the Imperial Forum is shown
1888 the Old Court Theatre at St. Michael’s Square was demolished as the new KK Court Theatre (today’s Burgtheater) by Gottfried Semper and Carl Freiherr von Hasenauer built, was finished. The since150 years existing construction site at St. Michael’s Square could be completed. The roundel got a dome, the concave curved Michaelertrakt was finalized by Ferdinand Kirschner. The once by Lorenzo Mattielli created cycle of statues on the facade of the Reich Chancellery was continued with four other "deeds of Hercules" sidewards of the drive-through arches. 1893, the Hofburg had finally its last magnificent decorative facade .
1901, the old greenhouses were demolished and replaced by an orangery with Art Nouveau elements according to plans of Friedrich Ohmann (finalization in 1910). In 1907, the Corps de Logis, which forms a closure of the new castle, completed. Since Emperor Franz Joseph I in the budding 20th Century no longer was interested in lengthy construction projects and the Crown Prince Franz Ferdinand of Austria-Este (1863-1914) spoke out against the establishment of a throne hall building, but spoke for the construction of a smaller ballroom tract, the implementation of the second wing was dropped. After the assassination of Franz Ferdinand of Austria-Este in Sarajevo, the First World War broke out. Franz Joseph I died in 1916. A great-nephew of Franz Joseph I, Charles I (1887-1922) succeeded to the throne, however, that he only occupied two years. The end of the First World War also meant the end of the Austro-Hungarian monarchy. On 11th November 1918 the First Republic was proclaimed. As Karl in fact renounced of the businesses of government, but not the throne, he had to go into exile with his family.
The Imperial Palace in the 20th century
The interior design of the ballroom tract and the New Castle were continued despite the end of the monarchy to 1926. By the end of the monarchy, many of the buildings lost their purpose. Further on used or operated was the Riding School. The stables were used from 1921 as the Wiener Messe (Fair) exhibition grounds ("Messe palace"). In 1928, the Corps de Logis, the Museum of Ethnology, by then part of the Natural History Museum, opened. 1935 came the weapons collection (court, hunting and armour chamber) of the Kunsthistorisches Museum in the New Castle.
1933/1934 the outer castle gate by Rudolf Wondracek was transformed into a hero monument to the victims of the First World War. 1935 emerged left and right of the castle gate pylon portals with eagle sculptures of Wilhelm Frass. In March 1938, the Heroes’ Square and the balcony of the Neue Burg gained notoriety after Adolf Hitler announced to the cheering crowd at the Heldenplatz the annexation of Austria to the German Reich. The Nazis were planning a redesign of the Heroes’ Square to a paved parade and ceremony space. The plans were not realized since 1943 a fire pond at Heldenplatz was dredged and the place was later used for agriculture. In the Trade Fair Palace were held during the period of the Nazism propaganda events.
During the war, the Imperial Palace (Stallburg, St. Augustine’s Church, Albertina, the head office of the Federal President, the current building of the Federal Chancellery) was severely damaged by bomb hits: The first President of the Second Republic, Dr. Karl Renner, moved in 1946 the Office of the President to the Leopoldine Wing (in the former living quarters of Maria Theresa and Joseph II).
During the time of occupation the seat of the Inter-Allied Commission was housed in the Neue Burg.
1946 again were held first events in the Exhibition Palace and have been set up two large exhibition halls in the main courtyard of the fair palace. In the course of the reconstruction the damages of war were eliminated and the Imperial Palace repaired, the castle stable were built again. In 1958 in the ballroom wing was set up the convention center, 1962-1966 the modern Library of the Austrian National Library housed in the Neue Burg.
For the first time appeared in 1989 the concept of a "Museum Quarter". The Museum district should include contemporary art and culture. The oversized design of Laurids and Manfred Ortner but was redimensioned several times after the resistance of a citizens’ initiative. The implementation followed a decade later.
1992 the two Redoutensäle completely burned out. Yet shortly after the fire was began with the reconstruction. The roof was extended and the small ball room could be restored. The big ball room, however, was renovated and designed with paintings by Josef Mikl. In 1997 the two halls were reopened.
From 1997-2002 the Museum Quarter (including Kunsthalle Wien, Leopold Collection) was rebuilt and the old building fabric renovated.
1999 was began with the renovation of the Albertina. The for a study building, two exhibition halls and an underground storage enlarged museum was reopened in 2003. The Albertina ramp was built with an oversized shed roof by Hans Hollein.
In 2006, in the area of the boiler house yard were created additional rooms for the convention center.
(Source: Trenkler, Thomas: "The Vienna Hofburg", Vienna 2004)…

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