Explore North Coast’s Holiday Potluck on Sunday, Dec. 4, 2022 was full of cheer with generous attendance. Held at the Mad River Grange in Blue Lake from 2 to 5 p.m., people arrived bringing a wide array of delicious main dishes, salads, and desserts. A slideshow was up and rotating through photos from this year’s club paddles as people ate and sampled different dishes. In an adjoining room a table displayed gear for sale that people brought. Another table held woodworking block planes available for those interested along with handouts on making your own Greenland Paddle. A third table had a colorfully wrapped gifts for the white elephant gift exchange. During the gift exchange, a wide array of treasures were revealed — a nose flute, books on the outdoors, potpourri, a jigsaw puzzle, a beaded clutch purse, a can of haggis, a bucket with tools for crabbing, and more.