Chair & Coffee Pot.

Chair & Coffee Pot.

Chair & Coffee Pot.

For ‘Macro Mondays’ theme of ‘Childhood Toys’

Very little left from my childhood days – several moves in WW2 and several since. However even though our two children have left home many years ago it was inevitable that some of their ‘goodies’ got brought with us when we moved here over twenty years ago. Stored in the top of the workshop loft is a box marked ‘Dolls House Furniture’ to be opened after all this time for this challenge.
Disappointing – lots of very battered items obviously much loved but ….. ! At the top of the box a crude red wooden chair that was out of all proportion to the rest of the items. At the bottom of the box a miniature coffee pot with the plating worn away from the plastic from which it was made.
You see both !!
Items to be replaced into the old shoe box, the box returned to the loft space, and left for another twenty years? I think I’ll give daughter a ring and ask her for instructions as to what to do with it!

Olympus Zuiko OM Auto Macro 50mm ……………….. less than 3 inches

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