A Postcard from Paris

A Postcard from Paris

A Postcard from Paris

It felt like the dreamiest 6 days of my life. Ever since my childhood, I had been enamored by this city of lights, allured by the enticing portrayals in movies and books alike. And ever since then, I had longed for a visit to this city.

It may seem commonplace now, but in those young heady days, planning for, reading about and actually stepping into the city was a dream come true. Sure, I have had many of my myths about the city shattered, something I was prepared for. But wandering around the colorful city with the sunlight dappling through the clouds on very similar yet thoroughly different buildings that lined up the streets and alleys, I felt transported to a different era – an era that resulted from the complete contrast of any culture that I had experienced before.

I had visited the city in early spring, during a time when spring storms smattered the city with undetermistic accuracy, and when the sun bowed to the mightly power of the clouds and stayed behind for the better part of the day. Thankfully, on every evening, like clockwork, it managed to peek through and shed light on the city, transforming drab environs into colorful locales.

I was walking along the shore of the Seine, near the Notre Dame Cathedral, when this transformation occured and highlighted the contemporary architecture of Paris! Shot with a prime lens at 50mm, ISO 100, 1/160s at F 7.1 (I was a camera newbie at that time)

Île-de-France, France

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