The LORD of PARDON Devotion


The Sign of The Cross: In the name of The Father, and of The Son and of The Holy Ghost. Amen.

1. Purification Prayer of St. Mary Magdalen de Pazzi [ii]
ALMIGHTY FATHER, we place the Precious Blood of Jesus before our lips, before we pray that all our prayers may be purified before they ascend to Thy divine altar.

2. Welcome Prayer [iii]
O LORD, OUR GOD, our All, we welcome You into our humble dwelling. We thank You, we honor You and we praise You for Your Infinite humility; because You have deigned to bless our earthly dwelling with Your Divine and Majestic Presence, though we are full of unworthiness and our humble dwelling is inadequate for Your glory.
BLESS OUR family and our home, O Lord, that we may be worthy of Your Love and Your Divine Presence. May our home be a true nest of Your Divine Love not only for the next seven days of Your visit but for the rest of our pilgrimage on this earth. Grant that we may make Your stay in our home very pleasurable.
LORD, WE are Yours and we humbly pray that You will take care of us as Your true possession, now and forever. Amen.

3. Prayer for All of Humanity (From the Beginning to the End of the World) [iv]
O THOU MOST BELOVED, Most Merciful Lord Jesus Christ, into Thy Holy Almighty Hands we commend ourselves for all eternity, as well as in the Heart of the Most High God of the Eternal Trinity! We take refuge in the deep Wounds of Thy Most Holy Body. May Thy Most Holy Body nourish us, Thy Most Precious shed Blood, Fear and Suffering purify us of all our sins and vices! Oh, Our Dear Lord God, we humbly offer Thy Great Fear and Need to Thy Heavenly Father in expiation for all our sins and debts! May the terrible blows Thou didst endure plead for us! May Thy most painful scourging cover our great guilt! We offer All Thine injustices, deep wounds, great pains and sighs to Thy Heavenly Father for all our neglects. May Thy Great Love, Oh Dearest Jesus, reconcile us with Thy Divine Justice and with Thee! Oh, Most Merciful Jesus, may Thy Faultless Judgment be for us the forgiveness of all our sins, known and unknown; may Thy Holy Footsteps in so much Misery lead and guide us in the way of Thy Divine Justice; may Thy Shameful Denuding make us pure in body and sanctify our souls! May Thy Bitter Agony, Thy Holy Wounds shield us from our visible and invisible enemies! May Thy Pierced Hands and Feet lead us to All Good. Oh Dearest Lord, place us and hide us in Thy Five Most Holy Wounds! Forget not our poor souls for which Thou didst so agonizingly trembled on the stem of the Holy Cross! For the sake of all the Martyrdom Thou didst suffer, reconcile us with Thy Divine Justice! May Thy Most Holy and Bitter Death protect us, and lead us to Eternal Salvation! May Thy Most Blessed Power and Divine Omnipotence drive away and keep away from us every evil of body and soul! May Thy Most Holy Wounds, Dearest Jesus, bless and protect us in our death agony from all power of the infernal enemy! At the hour of our death, may Thy Most Precious Blood erase all our sins before our Beloved Heavenly Father, and let die in us all inclination to sin! May Thy Most Precious Blood lead us to all Angels and Saints! We commend and place all our suffering friends and enemies and all deceased persons to and into Thy most Loyal Redeemer’s Heart! Oh, Dearest Jesus, give to us all Thine Infinite Merits, the Power and the Blessing of Thy Most Bitter Passion and Death! Oh, Eternal Divinity, Oh, True Humanity of Jesus, Oh, Most Blessed Trinity, protect us now, according to Thy Divine desire and forever! Oh, Almighty and Immortal God, have mercy on us all! Amen. (It is highly recommended that this prayer be kept in one’s home and said daily.)

4. The ‘Constant’ Prayer of St. Catherine of Siena [v]
Precious Blood, Ocean of Divine Mercy: Flow upon us!
Precious Blood, Most Pure Offering: Procure Us Every Grace!
Precious Blood, Hope and Refuge of Sinners: Atone for Us!
Precious Blood, Delight of Holy Souls: Draw Us! Amen.

5. An Offering of The Holy Wounds and The Precious Blood [vi]
ETERNAL FATHER, we offer You the Holy Wounds of Your Son, and His Precious Blood, for the conversion of sinners and for the relief of the souls in Purgatory.
ETERNAL FATHER, we offer Thee the Most Precious Blood of Jesus Christ in atonement for our sins, and in supplication for the souls in Purgatory and for the needs of the Holy Church. – The Raccolta

6. Invocations

O God the Father, Omnipotent and Merciful Creator, Who has so much love and mercy for such miserable creatures like us; Have mercy on us, save us from hell, and protect us from all evil. (3X)
O Jesus Christ, The Lord of Pardon, Have mercy on us and forgive us our sins. (3X)
O Most Precious Blood of Jesus, Save and protect us from all that is evil. (3X)
O Holy Ghost, Paraclete and Comforter of All Mankind, Have Mercy on Us (3X)
Immaculate Hear of Mary, Pray for us, now and at the hour of our
death. Amen.
O Mary, Mother of Sorrows, Pray for Us
O Mother of the Sorrowful Heart, Pray for Us.
Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary, Pray for Us
O Mary, Conceived without sin, Pray for Us who have recourse to Thee.
Queen of the Most Holy Rosary, Pray for Us
Our Lady of Fatima, Pray for Us
Today/Tonight, we protect ourselves with the shield of the Imma-culate Conception!



The Sign of The Cross: In the name of The Father +, and of The Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.

1. Purification Prayer of St. Mary Magdalen de Pazzi
ALMIGHTY FATHER, we place the Precious Blood of Jesus before our lips, before we pray that all our prayers may be purified before they ascend to Thy divine altar.

2. Come, Holy Ghost
COME HOLY GHOST, fill the hearts of Thy faithful
And kindle in them the fire of Thy Divine Love.

V. Send forth Thy Spirit and they shall be created,
R. And Thou shalt renew the face of the earth.

Let Us Pray
O GOD, Who has taught the hearts of the faithful by the light of the Holy Ghost, grant that by the gift of the same Spirit, we may always be truly wise and ever rejoice in His consolation. Grant this through Christ, Our Lord. Amen.

(The following hymn may be sung in place of the above prayer.)


Come Holy Ghost, Creator blest O, Comforter, to Thee we cry
And in our hearts take up Thy Rest Thou heavenly gift of God, Most High
Come with Thy grace, and heavenly aid O Fount of Life and Fire of Love
To fill our hearts which Thou has made And Sweet Anointing from above
To fill our hearts which Thou has made. And Sweet Anointing from above.

3. Divine Will Prayer [1]
THROUGH THE Immaculate Heart of Mary, I enter today/tonight into the Holy Will of God and pray – Come Divine will to pray in my prayer, in my name (and the name of those whom we pray for daily) and the name of all souls, for the love, honor and (greater) glory of God, Our Father, in reparation for all sins and for the salvation of souls. Amen.

4. To Obtain Love of Prayer [2]
O, LORD JESUS CHRIST, for the sake of Thy sufferings, grant to us, (and to all those whom we pray for daily,) such faith, hope, charity, sorrow for sins and love of prayer, that will help sanctify and save our souls.

5. To Learn the Science of Salvation [3]
JESUS, EXTEND to us in the light, in Thine infinite knowledge, the power through the light, to understand the task that lies ahead for all of us, who wish to be saved. Amen.

6. Act of Contrition
O MY GOD, I am heartily sorry for having offended Thee. And I confess all my sins, because I dread the loss of heaven and the pains of hell. But most all, because I love Thee, my God, Who art all good and deserving of all my love. I firmly resolve with the help of Thy grace, to confess my sins, to do penance and to amend my life. Amen.

7. Daily Prayer [4]
O GOD, Who for the redemption of the world didst vouchsafe to be born among men, rejected by the Jews, betrayed with a kiss by the traitor Judas, bound with cords, to be led as an innocent lamb to the slaughter, to be treated with indignity, accused by false witnesses, afflicted with scourges and reproaches, to be spit upon, crowned with thorns, beaten with blows, struck with a reed, to have Your face veiled, to be stripped of Your garments, to be nailed to the cross and raised high thereon, to be ranked among thieves, to be offered gall and vinegar to drink, and to be pierced with a lance.
O LORD, by these Your most holy pains, which I, though unworthy, now call to mind, and by Your Holy cross
and death, deliver us from the pains of hell and take us where You took the good thief who was crucified with You, Who with The Father and The Holy Ghost, livest and reignest forever and ever. Amen.

8. Hymns

O Sacred Heart! O Love Divine! Ref: Heart of Jesus, Hear!
Do keep us near to Thee. O Heart of Love Divine!
And make our hearts so like to Thine Listen to Our Prayer!
That we may holy be Make us always Thine.

Hail! Mary, Full of Grace! Holy Mary, Mother of God,
The Lord is with Thee! Pray for us, sinners,
Blessed art Thou amongst women! Now, and at the hour —
And blessed is the Fruit Of Thy Womb, Jesus! Of our death. Amen.
9. Prayers before The Rosary

O Queen of the most holy rosary, Thou hast deigned to come to Fatima to reveal to the three shepherd children the treasures of grace hidden in the rosary. Inspire our hearts with a sincere love for this devotion, that by meditating upon the mysteries of our redemption which are recalled in it, we may be enriched. With its fruits, obtain peace for the world, the conversion of sinners and of Russia, (the remission of the temporal punishment of the poor souls in Purgatory, the triumph of Your Son’s church over the gates of hell) and the favor which we ask of you in this rosary. (MAKE YOUR REQUEST.) We ask it for the greater glory of God, for your own honor, and for the good of souls, including our own. Amen.

WE UNITE ourselves with all the Saints in heaven, and with all the just on earth; we unite ourselves with Thee, Our Jesus, in order to praise Your holy Mother worthily and to praise You in her and by her. We renounce all the distractions that may have during this rosary which we wish to say with modesty, attention and devotion just as if it were to be the last one of our lives. Amen.
WE OFFER to Thee, O Most Holy Trinity this creed – in honor of the mysteries of our faith; this Our Father and these three Hail Marys – in honor of the Unity of Thy Essence and the Trinity of Thy Persons.
WE ASK of Thee a lively faith, a firm hope and an ardent charity. Amen.

10. The Proper of The Most Holy Rosary

I BELIEVE in God, the Father the Almighty, Creator of heaven and earth, and in Jesus Christ His Only Son, Our Lord, Who was conceived by the Holy Ghost, born of the Blessed Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and was buried. He descended into hell, the third day He arose again from the dead. He ascended into heaven and sitteth at the right hand of God, The Father Almighty. From thence He shall come to judge the living and the dead. I believe in The Holy Ghost, the holy Catholic Church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body and life everlasting. Amen.

Our Father, Who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy Name, Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us; and lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil. Amen.

HAIL MARY! Full of grace! The Lord is with Thee! Blessed art Thou amongst women and blessed is the fruit of Thy womb, Jesus! Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now, and at the hour of our death. Amen.

GLORY BE to The Father, and to The Son and to The Holy Ghost! As it was in the beginning, now and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.

MY GOD, I believe, I adore, I trust and I love Thee, and I beg pardon for all those who do not believe, do not adore, do not trust and do not love Thee.
O MY JESUS, forgive us our sins. Save us from the fires of hell, and lead all souls into heaven, especially those who most need of Thy mercy.

O MOST SWEET Heart of Jesus, lead us unto salvation. Grant peace to the entire world, specially the United States/Philippines/(Name Your Country). Bring back to You all sinners and grant that they may find the path that leads to you.

O BLESSED VIRGIN Mother protect us with your most Immaculate Heart. Amen.

St. MICHAEL, the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray. And do thou, O Prince of the heavenly hosts, cast into hell Satan and all the evil spirits who wander throughout the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.


The Joyful Mysteries (Monday and Thursday)
1. THE ANNUNCIATION (by the Archangel Gabriel to the Blessed Virgin Mary of her selection by
The Blessed Trinity as the Mother of the forthcoming Messiah)
2. THE VISITATION (of the Blessed Virgin Mary to her cousin, Elizabeth)
3. THE BIRTH of Our Lord Jesus (in the small town of Bethlehem)
4. THE PRESENTATION of Our Lord Jesus (in the temple)
5. THE FINDING of the Child Jesus (in the Temple, three days after He was found missing)

The Sorrowful Mysteries (Tuesday and Friday)
1. THE AGONY of Our Lord Jesus Christ in the Garden of Gethsemane
2. THE SCOURGING of Our Lord Jesus Christ at the Pillar
3. THE CROWNING of Our Lord Jesus Christ with the Crown of Thorns
4. THE CARRYING of the Cross by Our Lord Jesus Christ to Calvary
5. THE CRUCIFIXION and Death of Our Lord Jesus Christ on the Cross

The Glorious mysteries (Sunday, Wednesday and Saturday)
1. THE RESURRECTION of Our Lord Jesus Christ from the dead (on the third day after His
2. THE ASCENSION of Our Lord Jesus Christ (into Heaven, forty days after His resurrection)
3. THE DESCENT of The Holy Ghost (upon Our Blessed Mother and the Apostles on the 50th day
after The Ascension of Jesus)
4. THE ASSUMPTION of Our Blessed Mother (into Heaven, body and soul)
5. THE CORONATION of the Blessed Virgin Mary (as the Queen of Heaven and all of Creation)

HAIL! HOLY QUEEN! Mother of mercy, hail our life, our sweetness, and our hope. To thee do we cry, poor banished children of Eve. To Thee do we send up our sigh, mourning, and weeping in this valley of tears. Turn then O Most Gracious Advocate, Thine eyes of mercy towards us and after this our exile, show unto us, the Blessed Fruit of Thy womb, Jesus. O Clement, O Loving, O Sweet, Virgin Mary.

V. Pray for us O Holy Mother of God,
R. That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.

Let Us Pray O GOD, Whose Only Begotten Son, by His Life, Death and Resurrection, has purchased for us the rewards of eternal life. Grant, we beseech Thee, that by meditating upon these mysteries of the most holy rosary of the Blessed Virgin Mary, we may imitate what they contain and obtain what they promise. Through the same Christ Our Lord. Amen.

V. May the Divine Assistance remain always with us, +
R. And may the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.

11. Prayers After The Rosary

Lord, have mercy on us, Christ, have mercy on us.
Lord, have mercy on us!
Christ, hear us, Christ graciously hear us.
God, the Father of Heaven, Have mercy on us.
God, the Son, Redeemer of the world, Have mercy on us.
God, the Holy Ghost, Have mercy on us.
Holy Trinity, One God, Have mercy on us.
Blood of Christ, Only Begotten Son of The Eternal Father, Save us.
Blood of Christ, Incarnate Word of God,
Blood of Christ, of the New and Eternal Testament,
Blood of Christ, first shed in the Presentation at the temple,
Blood of Christ, falling upon the Earth in Agony in the garden of Olives,
Blood of Christ, shed profusely in the Scourging at the pillar,
Blood of Christ, flowing forth in the Crowning with thorns,
Blood of Christ, poured out on the Cross,
Blood of Christ, the price of our Salvation,
Blood of Christ, without which there is no forgiveness,
Blood of Christ, Eucharistic drink and Refreshment of souls,
Blood of Christ, stream of mercy,
Blood of Christ, victor over demons,
Blood of Christ, courage of martyrs,
Blood of Christ, strength of confessors,
Blood of Christ, bringing forth virgins,
Blood of Christ, help of those in peril,
Blood of Christ, relief of the burdened,
Blood of Christ, solace of the sorrowful,
Blood of Christ, hope of the penitent,
Blood of Christ, consolation of the dying,
Blood of Christ, peace and tenderness of hearts,
Blood of Christ, the pledge of Eternal Life,
Blood of Christ, freeing souls from Purgatory,
Blood of Christ, most worthy of all glory and honor,

Lamb of God, Who takest away the sins of the world, Spare us, O Lord
Lamb of God, Who takest away the sins of the world, Graciously hear us, O Lord.
Lamb of God, Who takest away the sins of the world, Have mercy on us

V. You have redeemed us, O Lord, by Your Precious Blood,
R. And made us, for Our God, a kingdom.

Let Us Pray
OMNIPOTENT and Eternal God, You have chosen Your Only Begotten Son to be the Redeemer of the world and You have been appeased by the shedding of His Most Precious Blood. Grant, we humbly pray, that we may always cherish the value of our redemption and forget not the grief You and our Blessed Virgin Mother have to bear in the suffering and death of Your Dearly Beloved Son. Through His Precious Blood and the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, may we be delivered from all evil in this world that we may enjoy the fruits of our redemption in Your kingdom for all eternity. Amen.


1. Meditation (Read pages 10 to 16 of ‘The Seven Last Words’ by Bishop Fulton J. Sheen, D.D.)
2. Prayer for All of Humanity (Turn to page 1)
3. The Old Rugged Cross/Heart of Jesus (Turn to page 8)


1. Meditation (Read pages 18 to 24 of ‘The Seven Last Words’ by Bishop Fulton J. Sheen, D.D.)
2. Prayer for All of Humanity (Page 1)
3. The Old Rugged Cross/Heart of Jesus (Turn to page 8)

(After that, He said to the disciple:) “BEHOLD THY MOTHER.” (John 19:26-27)

1. Meditation (Read pages 26 to 31 of ‘The Seven Last Words’ by Bishop Fulton J. Sheen, D.D.)
2. Prayer for All of Humanity (Page 1)
3. The Old Rugged Cross/Heart of Jesus (Turn to page 8)

(Matt. 27:46 and Mk. 15:34)

1. Meditation (Read pages 34 to 40 of ‘The Seven Last Words’ by Bishop Fulton J. Sheen, D.D.)
2. Prayer for All of Humanity (Page 1)
3. Heart of Jesus (Turn to page 8)

“I THIRST.” (John 19:28)

1. Meditation (Read pages 42 to 47 of ‘The Seven Last Words’ by Bishop Fulton J. Sheen, D.D.)
2. Prayer for All of Humanity (Page 1)
3. Heart of Jesus (Turn to page 8)

“IT IS CONSUMMATED.” (John 19:28)

1. Meditation (Read pages 50 to 55 of ‘The Seven Last Words’ by Bishop Fulton J. Sheen, D.D.)
2. Prayer for All of Humanity (Page 1)
3. Heart of Jesus (Turn to page 8)


1. Meditation (Read pages 58 to 64 of ‘The Seven Last Words’ by Bishop Fulton J. Sheen, D.D.)
2. Prayer for All of Humanity (Page 1)
3. Heart of Jesus (Turn to page 8)


Heart of Jesus! Meek and Mild!
Hear, O hear, Thy feeble child!
And when the tempest most severe
Heart of Jesus, hear!

Sweetly we’ll rest on The Sacred Heart
Never from Thee, Oh let us part
Hear then Thy loving children’s prayer
O Heart of Jesus, Heart of Jesus, hear!

(This Section to Be Used on the SEVENTH & LAST Day)

O Most Loving Father, the time has come for You to leave us and our dwelling which have been Your home for the past seven days. Words are not enough to render You praise and thanksgiving for the love that You have shown us. Our Father, You have always loved us. You have deigned to be with us even for a short time, and this Thou has done through this novena devotion to Your Son, The Lord of Pardon. We give Thee our heartfelt thanks through Our Lord Jesus Christ.
Farewell, Lord Jesus and we thank Thee for the great gifts of knowledge and understanding You have given us through Your Holy Spirit: of why You died for us and what we have to do in order that Your Passion and Death will be bear the fruits that You expect.
Farewell, O Holy Spirit and thank You for all Your gifts. Grant us also your fruits that we may live our lives in conformance and for the pleasure of Our Almighty God.
Farewell, O Queen and Delight of Heaven. We thank Thee, for all the blessings and graces you brought in to our dwelling by your constant intercession and for Your Motherly Love.
We look forward to Your next visit, O Blessed Trinity and Our Mother. We pray that we will again enjoy Your company soon, if not in this life, then, by Your compassion and forgiveness which You shower upon us with the Precious Blood of Your Dearly Beloved Son, may it be in Your kingdom. Amen.

To Jesus’ Heart all burning
With fervent love for men
My heart with fondest yearning
Shall raise its joyful strain.

While ages course along
Blest be with loudest song
The Sacred Heart of Jesus
By every heart and tongue

Too true I have forsaken
Thy love by willful sin
Yet now let me be taken
Back by Thy grace again. (Ref)


On a hill far away stood an old rugged cross, Oh, that old rugged cross, so despised by the world,
The emblem of suff’ring and shame. Has wondrous attraction for me,
And I love that old cross, where the dearest and best For, The Dear Lamb of God left His glory above,
For a world of lost sinners was slain To bear it to dark Calvary (Ref)
So I’ll cherish the old rugged cross, In the old rugged cross, stained with blood so divine
Till my trophies at last I lay down. A wondrous beauty I see.
I will cling to the old rugged cross, For ‘twas on that old cross Jesus suffered and died,
And exchange some day for a crown. To pardon and sanctify me. (Ref)

The Fifteen Prayers
of St. Bridget of Sweden

These prayers are prayed daily, each beginning with a Pater and an Ave. Then follows a concluding prayer. There are alleged promises from Our Lord attached to these prayers, but they are problematic, inconsistent with Catholic teaching, and their publication was once forbidden. It may be that the vision wasn’t properly written down, properly translated, consistently handed-down, or otherwise kept intact, but in any case, beware of any "Magnificent Promises" you may hear of in association with the following perfectly pious prayers.

First Prayer

Say one Our Father and one Hail Mary

O Jesus Christ! Eternal Sweetness to those who love Thee, joy surpassing all joy and all desire, Salvation and Hope of all sinners, Who hast proved that Thou hast no greater desire than to be among men, even assuming human nature at the fullness of time for the love of men, recall all the sufferings Thou hast endured from the instant of Thy conception, and especially during Thy Passion, as it was decreed and ordained from eternity in the Divine plan.

Remember, O Lord, that during the Last Supper with Thy disciples having washed their feet, Thou gavest them Thy Most Precious Body and Blood, and while at the same time Thou didst sweetly console them, Thou didst fortell them Thy coming Passion.

Remember the sadness and bitterness which Thou didst experience in Thy Soul as Thou Thyself bore witness saying: "My Soul is sorrowful even unto death."

Remember all the fear, anguish and pain that Thou didst suffer in Thy delicate Body before the torment of the Crucifixion, when, after having prayed three times, bathed in a sweat of blood, Thou wast betrayed by Judas, Thy disciple, arrested by the people of a nation Thou hadst chosen and elevated, accused by false witnesses, unjustly judged by three judges during the flower of Thy youth and during the solemn Paschal season.

Remember that Thou wast despoiled of Thy garments and clothed in those of derision; that Thy Face and Eyes were veiled, that Thou wast buffeted, crowned with thorns, a reed placed in Thy Hands, that Thou wast crushed with blows and overwhelmed with affronts and outrages.

In memory of all these pains and sufferings which Thou didst endure before Thy Passion on the Cross, grant me before my death true contrition, a sincere and entire confession, worthy satisfaction and the remission all my sins. Amen.

Second Prayer

Say one Our Father and one Hail Mary

O Jesus! True liberty of angels, paradise of delights, remember the horror and sadness which Thou didst endure when Thy enemies, like furious lions, surrounded Thee, and by thousands of insults, spits, blows, lacerations and other unheard-of cruelties, tormented Thee at will. In consideration of these torments and insulting words, I beseech Thee, O my Savior, to deliver me from all my enemies, visible and invisible, and to bring me, under Thy protection, to the perfection of eternal salvation. Amen.

Third Prayer

Say one Our Father and one Hail Mary

O Jesus! Creator of Heaven and earth Whom nothing can encompass or limit, Thou Who dost enfold and hold all under Thy loving power, remember the very bitter pain Thou didst suffer when the Jews nailed Thy Sacred Hands and Feet to the Cross by blow after blow with big blunt nails, and not finding Thee in a pitiable enough state to satisfy their rage, they enlarged thy Wounds, and added pain to pain, and with indescribable cruelty stretched Thy Body on the Cross, pulling Thee from all sides, thus dislocating Thy limbs.

I beg of Thee, O Jesus, by the memory of this most Loving suffering of the Cross, to grant me the grace to fear Thee and to Love Thee. Amen.

Fourth Prayer

Say one Our Father and one Hail Mary

O Jesus! Heavenly Physician, raised aloft on the Cross to heal our wounds with Thine, remember the bruises which Thou didst suffer and the weakness of all Thy Members which were distended to such a degree that never was there pain like unto Thine. From the crown of Thy Head to the Soles of Thy Feet there was not one spot on Thy Body that was not in torment, and yet, forgetting all Thy sufferings, Thou didst not cease to pray to Thy Heavenly Father for Thy enemies, saying: "Father forgive them for they know not what they do."

Through this great Mercy, and in memory of this suffering, grant that the remembrance of Thy Most Bitter Passion may effect in us a perfect contrition and the remission of all our sins. Amen.

Fifth Prayer

Say one Our Father and one Hail Mary

O Jesus! Mirror of eternal splendor, remember the sadness which Thou experienced, when contemplating in the light of Thy Divinity the predestination of those who would be saved by the merits of Thy Sacred Passion, Thou didst see at the same time, the great multitude of reprobates who would be damned for their sins, and Thou didst complain bitterly of those hopeless, lost, and unfortunate sinners.

Through this abyss of compassion and pity, and especially through the goodness which Thou displayed to the good thief when Thou saidst to him: "This day, thou shalt be with Me in Paradise." I beg of Thee, O Sweet Jesus, that at the hour of my death, Thou wilt show me mercy. Amen.

Sixth Prayer

Say one Our Father and one Hail Mary

O Jesus! Beloved and most desirable King, remember the grief Thou didst suffer, when naked and like a common criminal, Thou wast fastened and raised on the Cross, when all Thy relatives and friends abandoned Thee, except Thy Beloved Mother, who remained close to Thee during Thy agony and whom Thou didst entrust to Thy faithful disciple when Thou saidst to Mary: "Woman, behold thy son!", and to St. John: "Son, behold thy Mother!".

I beg of Thee O my Savior, by the sword of sorrow which pierced the soul of Thy holy Mother, to have compassion on me in all my afflictions and tribulations, both corporal and spiritual, and to assist me in all my trials, and especially at the hour of my death. Amen.

Seventh Prayer

Say one Our Father and one Hail Mary

O Jesus! Inexhaustible Fountain of compassion, Who by a profound gesture of Love, said from the Cross: "I thirst," suffered from the thirst for the salvation of the human race. I beg of Thee, O my Savior, to inflame in our hearts the desire to tend toward perfection in all our acts, and to extinguish in us the concupiscence of the flesh and the ardor of worldly desires. Amen.

Eighth Prayer

Say one Our Father and one Hail Mary

O Jesus! Sweetness of hearts, delight of the spirit, by the bitterness of the gall and vinegar which Thou didst taste on the Cross for Love of us, grant us the grace to receive worthily Thy Precious Body and Blood during our life and at the hour of our death, that they may serve as a remedy and consolation for our souls. Amen.

Ninth Prayer

Say one Our Father and one Hail Mary

O Jesus! Royal virtue, joy of the mind, recall the pain Thou didst endure when plunged in an ocean of bitterness at the approach of death, insulted, outraged by the Jews, Thou didst cry out in a loud voice that Thou wast abandoned by Thy Father, saying: "My God, My God, why hast Thou forsaken Me?"

Through this anguish, I beg of Thee, O my Savior, not to abandon me in the terrors and pains of my death. Amen.

Tenth Prayer

Say one Our Father and one Hail Mary

O Jesus! Who art the beginning and the end of all things, life and virtue, remember that for our sakes Thou wast plunged in an abyss of suffering from the soles of Thy Feet to the crown of Thy Head. In consideration of the enormity of Thy Wounds, teach me to keep, through pure love, Thy Commandments, whose way is wide and easy for those who love Thee. Amen.

Eleventh Prayer

Say one Our Father and one Hail Mary

O Jesus! Deep abyss of mercy, I beg of Thee, in memory of Thy Wounds which penetrated to the very marrow of Thy Bones and to the depth of Thy being, to draw me, a miserable sinner, overwhelmed by my offenses, away from sin and to hide me from Thy Face justly irritated against me; hide me in Thy Wounds, until Thy anger and just indignation shall have passed away. Amen.

Twelfth Prayer

Say one Our Father and one Hail Mary

O Jesus! Mirror of truth, symbol of unity, link of charity, remember the multitude of wounds with which Thou wast covered from head to foot, torn and reddened by the spilling of Thy adorable Blood. O great and universal pain which Thou didst suffer in Thy virginal flesh for love of us! Sweetest Jesus! What is there that Thou couldst have done for us which Thou hast not done?

May the fruit of Thy sufferings be renewed in my soul by the faithful remembrance of Thy Passion, and may Thy love increase in my heart each day until I see Thee in eternity, Thou Who art the treasury of every real good and every joy, which I beg Thee to grant me, O sweetest Jesus, in Heaven. Amen.

Thirteenth Prayer

Say one Our Father and one Hail Mary

O Jesus! Strong lion, immortal and invincible King, remember the pain Thou didst endure when all Thy strength, both moral and physical, was entirely exhausted; Thou didst bow Thy Head, saying: "It is consummated."

Through this anguish and grief, I beg of Thee Lord Jesus, to have mercy on me at the hour of my death when my mind will be greatly troubled and my soul will be in anguish. Amen.

Fourteenth Prayer

Say one Our Father and one Hail Mary

O Jesus! Only Son of the Father, splendor and figure of His Substance, remember the simple and humble recommendation Thou didst make of Thy Soul to Thy Eternal Father, saying: "Father, into Thy Hands I commend My Spirit!" And with Thy Body all torn, and Thy Heart broken, and the bowels of Thy Mercy open to redeem us, Thou didst expire.

By this Precious Death, I beg of Thee O King of Saints, to comfort me and help me to resist the devil, the flesh and the world, so that being dead to the world, I may live for Thee alone. I beg of Thee at the hour of my death to receive me, a pilgrim and an exile returning to Thee. Amen.

Fifteenth Prayer

Say one Our Father and one Hail Mary

O Jesus! True and fruitful Vine! Remember the abundant outpouring of blood which Thou didst so generously shed from Thy Sacred Body as juice from grapes in a wine press.

From Thy Side, pierced with a lance by a soldier, blood and water issued forth until there was not left in Thy Body a single drop, and finally, like a bundle of myrrh lifted to the top of the Cross, Thy delicate Flesh was destroyed, the very substance of Thy Body withered, and the marrow of Thy Bones dried up.

Through this bitter Passion, and through the outpouring of Thy Precious Blood, I beg of Thee, O Sweet Jesus, to receive my soul when I am in my death agony. Amen.

Concluding Prayer

O Sweet Jesus! Pierce my heart so that my tears of penitence and love will be my bread day and night; may I be converted entirely to Thee, may my heart be Thy perpetual habitation, may my conversation be pleasing to Thee, and may the end of my life be so praiseworthy that I may merit Heaven and there with Thy saints, praise Thee forever. Amen.


Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. May they rest in peace.

V. O Lord, hear my prayer.
R. And let my cry come to you.

Let us pray:
O God, the Creator and Redeemer of all the faithful, grant to the souls of Your servants departed the remission of all their sins, that through our pious supplication they may obtain that pardon which they have always desired; who live and reign for ever and ever.
R. Amen.

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