Steering the Jandra down the Darling at Bourke...

Steering the Jandra down the Darling at Bourke…

Steering the Jandra down the Darling at Bourke...

See Ships of the Inland Rivers book.. below


just found the Jandra listed there amongst 100s of others, great resoure, never thought did this!

With other great notes…
The Tarella was built specifically for the Darling trade 1897, a passenger steamer capacity 20 passengers. She was lit by electricity which was making great changes along the Darling and other rivers. Imagine the sight of an electrically lit steamer whose light could be seen for miles, as opposed to the oil lamp, as the steamers made their way up river. In 1918 The Tarella, with her deckhouses changed from her passenger carrying days, now carried wool and wheat from the Darling, M/bidgee & Murray to Goolwa SA.

Now see the #cantheplan campaign protesting the illegal use and theft of the valuable river waters..

also see a few books below in the comments!

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