


This is another turning from scrap wood that I had in the shop. I know it looks a bit clunky (actually, a whole lot clunky but because of the size of the scraps I had to turn it hollow and that didn’t allow for much variation in diameter to give the outside a better shape. But, in the words of the immortal George Zip, "It is better to turn on a clunky lamp than to be PO’d because the sun has just gone down and you can’t finish the part of the book you were on just when the best part is coming because it’s too dark and you’ll not be able to sleep because of that and tomorrow you’ll feel so lousy that you’ll head down to 2nd and Kaiser to torch that old, abandoned warehouse that you’ve always had your eye on and then your kids will grow up hating their old man because he’s a whacko arsonist." I think it was George that said that…

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