The drawers have been rebuilt and refinished and new green felt liners were installed.
Every drawer is different and the drawer guides are made to match. It can only be assembled with the drawers in a certain position. I laid out the drawer positions with ,050 thousands clearance (less than 1/16 per side) on each drawer.
. The old screw holes for the pulls were filled and finished.
.Some drawer pulls-knobs were missing, and none of the remaining pulls matched. New pulls-knobs were purchased and installed Pulls are of brass w/ an 8/32 screw from behind.
1/8" Red Oak ply has been added to the top of a box made of scrap plywood. The drawer guides are made from clear pine that I cut out of new door frame molding.
The top trim is Oak molding and the bottom trim was cut from Oak Lattice.
The sides are made from pine. Dark Oak Stain and Maple Stain have been used in different area because of the different absorption rates of Oak and Pine.
Carpenters glue, brass screws and finishing nails were used in the box’s assembly.
Finish is three coats of Semi-Gloss Varnish, sanded in between coats w/ 220 grit paper,
Final finish is a light rub of 0000# steel wool and a final coat of wiping varnish applied. ( regular varnish thinned 50% w/ spirits )