13.  Little Free Library

13. Little Free Library

13.  Little Free Library

“Little Free Library” was commissioned by the Whittier Alliance for their Artists in Storefronts project. The library itself was beautifully constructed by George Wurtzel, master woodworker, and very generously donated to the neighborhood by Mr. Wurtzel for just the mere cost of materials.
Paul Dickinson is a local punk, poet, and musician. He was responsible for St. Paul’s most infamous underground concert venue, the Speedboat Gallery. He is currently co-curator of the Riot Act Reading Series. The Riot Act Reading Series is a monthly literary event held in the Twin Cities since 2008. In 2011, The Riot Act was voted best reading series by City Pages. “We believe in having a good time– we also believe that language transcends endless boundaries. We are inclusive, slightly dangerous and very unpredictable.”
In the spirit of community outreach Paul on behalf of The Riot Act Reading Series will be donating some books during the project to help stock the “Little Free Library”!

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