Sheep Shed

Sheep Shed

Sheep Shed

Ric and I spent a weekend on Orcas Island, in the San Juan Islands. To read more about it, you can visit my blog at

I am absolutely loving the Enfuse HDR plugin for Lightroom! Probably 98% of the photo’s I took last weekend I planned for HDR conversion to give me an idea of what type of photo I liked for this purpose and which ones didn’t really work in HDR as well. It was a lot of time in PP to figure this out but I am loving the results of the time spent playing with this and feel like I probably have a better grasp on what is suited for HDR and what is not.

PP Notes:
Combined 3 files to convert to HDR image via Enfuse in LR 3
Took into Photoshop Elements and edited further to accentuate the HDR look
Back to LR 3 for final touches.

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