


a. To throw (something, especially something light): The angler cast the line.
b. To throw with force; hurl: waves that cast driftwood far up on the shore. See Synonyms at throw.
2. To shed; molt.
3. To throw forth; drop: cast anchor.
4. To throw on the ground, as in wrestling.
5. To deposit or indicate (a ballot or vote).
6. To turn or direct: All eyes were cast upon the speaker.
7. To cause to fall onto or over something or in a certain direction, as if by throwing: candles casting light; cast aspersions on my character; findings that cast doubt on our hypothesis.
8. To bestow; confer: "The government I cast upon my brother" (Shakespeare).
a. To roll or throw (dice, for example).
b. To draw (lots).
10. To give birth to prematurely: The cow cast a calf.
11. To cause (hunting hounds) to scatter and circle in search of a lost scent.
a. To choose actors for (a play, for example).
b. To assign a certain role to (an actor): cast her as the lead.
c. To assign an actor to (a part): cast each role carefully.
13. To form (liquid metal, for example) into a particular shape by pouring into a mold.
14. To give a form to; arrange: decided to cast the book in three parts.
15. To contrive; devise: cast a plan.
16. To calculate or compute; add up (a column of figures).
17. To calculate astrologically: cast my horoscope.
18. To warp; twist: floorboards cast by age.
19. Nautical To turn (a ship); change to the opposite tack.
1. To throw something, especially to throw out a lure or bait at the end of a fishing line.
2. To add a column of figures; make calculations.
3. To make a conjecture or a forecast.
4. To receive form or shape in a mold.
5. To become warped.
6. To search for a lost scent in hunting with hounds.
7. Nautical
a. To veer to leeward from a former course; fall off.
b. To put about; tack.
8. To choose actors for the parts in a play, movie, or other theatrical presentation.
9. Obsolete To estimate; conjecture.
a. The act or an instance of casting or throwing.
b. The distance thrown.
a. A throwing of a fishing line or net into the water.
b. The line or net thrown.
a. A throw of dice.
b. The number thrown.
4. A stroke of fortune or fate; lot.
a. A direction or expression of the eyes.
b. A slight squint.
6. Something, such as molted skin, that is thrown off, out, or away.
7. The addition of a column of figures; calculation.
8. A conjecture; a forecast.
a. The act of pouring molten material into a mold.
b. The amount of molten material poured into a mold at a single operation.
c. Something formed by this means: The sculpture was a bronze cast.
10. An impression formed in a mold or matrix; a mold: a cast of her face made in plaster.
11. A rigid dressing, usually made of gauze and plaster of Paris, used to immobilize an injured body part, as in a fracture or dislocation. Also called plaster cast.
12. The form in which something is made or constructed; arrangement: the close-set cast of her features.
13. Outward form or look; appearance: a suit of stylish cast.
14. Sort; type: fancied himself to be of a macho cast.
15. An inclination; tendency: her thoughtful cast of mind.
16. The actors in a play, movie, or other theatrical presentation.
17. A slight trace of color; a tinge.
18. A distortion of shape.
19. The circling of hounds to pick up a scent in hunting.
20. A pair of hawks released by a falconer at one time. See Synonyms at flock1.
Phrasal Verbs:
cast about/around
1. To make a search; look: had to cast about for an hour, looking for a good campsite.
2. To devise means; contrive.
cast off
1. To discard; reject: cast off old clothing.
2. To let go; set loose: cast off a boat; cast off a line.
3. To make the last row of stitches in knitting.
4. Printing To estimate the space a mansucript will occupy when set into type.
cast on
To make the first row of stitches in knitting.
cast out
To drive out by force; expel.
cast (one’s) lot with
To join or side with for better or worse.
[Middle English casten, from Old Norse kasta.]
cast (kɑːst)
vb (mainly tr) , casts, casting or cast
1. to throw or expel with violence or force
2. to throw off or away: she cast her clothes to the ground.
3. to reject or dismiss: he cast the idea from his mind.
4. to shed or drop: the snake cast its skin; the horse cast a shoe; the ship cast anchor.
5. be cast NZ (of a sheep) to have fallen and been unable to rise
6. to cause to appear: to cast a shadow.
7. to express (doubts, suspicions, etc) or cause (them) to be felt
8. to direct (a glance, attention, etc): cast your eye over this.
9. to place, esp in a violent manner: he was cast into prison.
10. (Angling) angling (also intr) to throw (a line) into the water
11. to draw or choose (lots)
12. to give or deposit (a vote)
13. (Theatre) to select (actors) to play parts in (a play, film, etc)
14. (Film) to select (actors) to play parts in (a play, film, etc)
15. (Metallurgy)
a. to shape (molten metal, glass, etc) by pouring or pressing it into a mould
b. to make (an object) by such a process
16. (Crafts)
a. to shape (molten metal, glass, etc) by pouring or pressing it into a mould
b. to make (an object) by such a process
17. (Mathematics) (often foll by: up) to compute (figures or a total)
18. to predict: the old woman cast my fortune.
19. (Astrology) astrology to draw on (a horoscope) details concerning the positions of the planets in the signs of the zodiac at a particular time for interpretation in terms of human characteristics, behaviour,
20. to contrive (esp in the phrase cast a spell)
21. to formulate: he cast his work in the form of a chart.
22. (also intr) to twist or cause to twist
23. (Nautical Terms) nautical (also intr) to turn the head of (a sailing vessel) or (of a sailing vessel) to be turned away from the wind in getting under way
24. (Hunting) hunting to direct (a pack of hounds) over (ground) where their quarry may recently have passed
25. (Zoology) (intr) (of birds of prey) to eject from the crop and bill a pellet consisting of the indigestible parts of birds or animals previously eaten
26. (Falconry) falconry to hold the body of a hawk between the hands so as to perform some operation upon it
27. (Printing, Lithography & Bookbinding) printing to stereotype or electrotype
28. cast in one’s lot with throw in one’s lot with to share in the activities or fortunes of (someone else)
29. the act of casting or throwing
a. Also called: casting something that is shed, dropped, or egested, such as the coil of earth left by an earthworm
b. another name for pellet4
31. an object that is thrown
32. the distance an object is or may be thrown
33. (Games, other than specified)
a. a throw at dice
b. the resulting number shown
34. (Angling) angling
a. a trace with a fly or flies attached
b. the act or an instance of casting
35. the wide sweep made by a sheepdog to get behind a flock of sheep or by a hunting dog in search of a scent
36. (Theatre)
a. the actors in a play collectively
b. (as modifier): a cast list.
37. (Metallurgy)
a. an object made of metal, glass, etc, that has been shaped in a molten state by being poured or pressed into a mould
b. the mould used to shape such an object
38. (Crafts)
a. an object made of metal, glass, etc, that has been shaped in a molten state by being poured or pressed into a mould
b. the mould used to shape such an object
39. form or appearance
40. sort, kind, or style
41. (Medicine) a fixed twist or defect, esp in the eye
42. a distortion of shape
43. (Surgery) surgery a rigid encircling casing, often made of plaster of Paris, for immobilizing broken bones while they heal
44. (Pathology) pathol a mass of fatty, waxy, cellular, or other material formed in a diseased body cavity, passage, etc
45. (Hunting) the act of casting a pack of hounds
46. (Falconry) falconry a pair of falcons working in combination to pursue the same quarry
47. (Archery) archery the speed imparted to an arrow by a particular bow
48. a slight tinge or trace, as of colour
49. (Mathematics) a computation or calculation
50. a forecast or conjecture
51. fortune or a stroke of fate
52. (Palaeontology) palaeontol a replica of an organic object made of nonorganic material, esp a lump of sediment that indicates the internal or external surface of a shell or skeleton
53. (Palaeontology) palaeontol a sedimentary structure representing the infilling of a mark or depression in a soft layer of sediment (or bed)
[C13: from Old Norse kasta]
cast (kæst, kɑst)

v. cast, cast•ing,
n. v.t.
1. to throw or hurl; fling: to cast dice; to cast aside the newspaper.
2. to direct (the eye, a glance, etc.).
3. to cause to fall; put or send forth: to cast a soft light; to cast a spell; to cast doubts.
4. to draw (lots), as in telling fortunes.
5. to throw out (a fishing line, a net, bait, etc.).
6. to shed or drop: The snake cast its skin.
7. (of an animal) to bring forth (young), esp. abortively.
8. to send off (a swarm), as bees do.
9. to set aside; reject; dismiss: She cast the problem from her mind.
10. to throw up (earth, sod, etc.), as with a shovel.
11. to put or place, esp. forcibly: to cast someone in prison.
12. to deposit or give (a ballot or vote).
13. to bestow; confer: to cast blessings.
14. to form or arrange; plan out: He cast his remarks to fit the occasion.
a. to select actors for (a play, motion picture, etc.).
b. to assign a role to (an actor).
16. to form (an object) by pouring metal, plaster, etc., into a mold and letting it harden.
17. to form (metal, plaster, etc.) by this process.
18. to compute, as a column of figures.
19. to calculate (a horoscope).
20. to turn or twist; warp.
21. to turn the head of (a ship), esp. away from the wind in getting under way.
22. to throw.
23. to receive form in a mold.
24. to calculate or add.
25. to conjecture; forecast.
26. (of hounds) to search an area for scent.
27. to warp, as timber.
28. (of a ship) to turn, esp. to get the head away from the wind; tack.
29. to select the actors for a play, motion picture, or the like.
30. Obs.
a. to consider.
b. to plan or scheme.
31. cast about or around,
a. to search; seek.
b. to devise a plan; scheme.
32. cast down, to lower; humble.
33. cast off,
a. to discard; reject.
b. to let go or let loose, as a ship from a mooring.
c. to estimate the space a typeset manuscript will occupy.
d. to complete a knitted fabric by looping over (the final stitches); bind off.
34. cast on, (in knitting) to set (yarn) on a needle in order to form the initial stitches.
35. cast out, to force to leave; expel; banish.
36. the act of throwing.
37. that which is thrown.
38. the distance to which a thing may be thrown.
a. a throw of dice.
b. the number rolled.
40. the act of throwing a fishing line or net onto the water.
41. the group of performers in a play, motion picture, etc.; players.
42. a searching of an area by hounds for a scent.
43. a stroke of fortune; lot.
44. the form in which something is made or written; arrangement.
a. the act of founding.
b. the quantity of metal cast at one time.
46. something made in a mold; casting.
47. an impression or mold: the cast of a fossil.
48. a rigid surgical dressing, usu. made of bandage treated with plaster of Paris.
49. outward form; appearance: of a sinister cast.
50. sort; kind; style: a hero of the cast of Don Quixote.
51. tendency; inclination: minds of a philosophical cast.
52. a permanent twist or turn: to have a cast in one’s eye.
53. a warp.
54. a slight tinge of some color; hue; shade: a yellowish cast.
55. a dash or trace.
56. a computation; calculation.
57. a conjecture or forecast.
58. something that is shed, ejected, or cast off or out, as molted skin, feathers, food from a bird’s crop, or the coil of sand and waste passed by certain earthworms.
59. pellet (def. 6).
60. effused plastic matter produced in the hollow parts of various diseased organs.

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