1951 Advance Design GMC dump truck

1951 Advance Design GMC dump truck

1951 Advance Design GMC dump truck

The photos in this album are of the property, possessions and projects of a fine older gentleman named Willie Shepherd.

He owns a LARGE property in Lookout, California. It is full of old tractors, cars, trucks, bulldozers and vehicles of varied and sundry description. My girlfriend Zoe bought a 1955 Carpenter (1954 GMC based) school bus from him, and he towed it the 17 miles to our Ranch with his old tractor on public roads:

Photos of the bus can be seen in another set of mine:

Willie also renovates and runs old steam engines. For years Willie has been showing and demonstrating his equipment for anyone interested.

Many of the images in this set were 3-exp HDRs, processed with Photomatix. The camera was a Nikon D50.

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