IMG_9712, Installed, but not quite complete

IMG_9712, Installed, but not quite complete

IMG_9712, Installed, but not quite complete

I have it up on the wall now, but discovered that the small placement error I made when I affixed the bottom lip of the plane panel (I drilled the holes for the reinforcement screws in the middle of the stick when it should have been offset to be in the center of the panel’s edge, so the stick is centered on the panel rather than offset to stick out more; I was on autopilot) causes the overhang to be just a smidge too small. The planes sit just fine on it and I’m sure it would hold them, but I fear that bumping the handle of an adjacent plane would cause the plane to twist and possibly pop the sole of the plane up over the restraining lip and slide out. So I’ve glued an additional strip on top of it to be safe. It’s in the clamps now and will be ready tomorrow.

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