Is it better to gain muscle or lose fat first?

Is it better to gain muscle or lose fat first?

Is it better to gain muscle or lose fat first?

Is it better to gain muscle or lose fat first?

When you’re trying to get leaner, it can feel like a lot of pressure. You want to lose fat, but you don’t want to lose muscle in the process. And when you’re trying to gain mass, you’re worried about gaining too much fat along with the muscle—or that you’ll put on too much weight and won’t be able to shed it later.

But what if we told you that the answer is neither? What if we told you that there’s another way: one that lets you do both at once? It sounds crazy, but it’s true!

It’s time to decide: do you want to gain muscle or lose fat first?

When you’re building your body, it’s important to have a plan. If you don’t know where you’re going, how will you get there? So, what should that plan look like?

Well, we’ve got some answers for you! And it all starts with the question: is it better to gain muscle or lose fat first?

This is an incredibly important decision. We know that you can’t answer without more information—so let’s jump right into it!

There’s a lot of debate about whether it’s better to gain muscle or lose fat first.

Photo by Werner Pfennig on

The answer is that it depends on your goals, but that there are some methods you can apply to either goal that will help you reach them faster.

Gaining muscle is difficult for those who are new to exercise and dieting, because they haven’t developed the skills necessary to make it happen.…

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