Death The Dark Lord. Donn Dorcha.

Death The Dark Lord. Donn Dorcha.

Death The Dark Lord. Donn Dorcha.

COMING TO GET YA. . This tattoo has been here a few years now, and was in drastic need of a re-vamp. Along came Sophie, with her enchanted needles, and worked the magic
Cannot think of a better way to spend a afternoon than getting your ribs inked by international tattoo artist Sophie Zie-Carreras. Sophie is happy to take on any tattoo project, whether it may be a one off custom design, a customers own design or a piece of flash art. Sophie is originally from Auxerre,which is in the Bourgogne region of northwest France, between Paris and Dijon.It is a commercial and industrial centre, with industries including food production, woodworking and batteries, Although it’s best export to date has got to be Sophie..

rib tattoos ;
Rib tattoos have become widely popular in the past few years — with men and women alike. There are some major differences between getting a rib tattoo and getting your wrist tattooed, or the small of your back. A tattoo on the ribs can be either extremely painful for some, or moderately painful for others depending on your pain tolerance.

Since its all bone and little to no muscle tissue, the pain can seem like a slight [sun]burn or someone sticking your repeatitively with a very large sharp object. Rib tattoo come in all shapes and sizes. Thye range from your average joe to super famous acors and actresses, like Megan Fox. For example, she has a tattoo on her ribs with a poem saying, "there once was a little girl who never knew love until a boy broke her heart." Rhianna is also a well known name who has a small gun tattooed on her rib cage.

Alot of rib tattoos on women range from the typical flowers, stars, hearts, butterfly, word/quotes, ect. Rib tattoos for men usually include more masculine ideas such as [last] name(s), children’s name, birds, pin up girls, knives, or 50s-esque pin up girls with a modern day twist.

Because of the pain, most people opted for usually smaller pieces of art but ultimitely the rib cage is a perfect area for tattooing large art work on. With those who opted for flowers, or bushels of them even, tend to have bigger pieces as the colors are more vibrant and bright and also included ALOT more detail which makes the piece even better in most cases.

The tattoo artist also depends on the pain factor as well. Usually they’ve had enough expierence to be able to go with how much pain you’re in if you let them know. They can make it to where you can expierence as little pain as possible (again it WILL hurt regardless though since you ARE getting a tattoo obviously)

The usual time for a rib tattoo to heal is about the same for any other tattoo — two weeks give or take a day or so. It would be advised to keep cleaning and waiting for it to peel/heel for about an extra week only because unless you plan on going shirtless for two weeks after its done, your clothes and almost anything else that is in contact with your torso could not only alter it a bit but also send you screaming in pain because of the sensitivity.

I know some women who have had rib tattoos and gotten pregnant have found though that the tattoo streches as the baby gets bigger. It might go back to the way it was before afer the kid is born, but unless you’re constantly working out to get your pre-baby body back, it might take a while.

In the long run, rib tattoos are extremely unique; and if well thought out with the idea — very intriging as well. Most people enjoy seeing them on other people, and its a great conversation starter. If you’re considering getting one, I would think long and hard about it but if you’re dedicated to it and do your homework on it, I believe that you won’t be dissapointed with the end result

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