Wood Turner

Wood Turner

Wood Turner

Sunday 2nd Cool but sunny – Marrakesh
Took the shuttle bus into town stopping near the Majorelle gardens and walking in to the Medina by another entrance.
It was more interesting as we passed everyday Moroccan shops and businesses seeing normal life.
Passing a heavily guarded building, we were stopped by security and asked to show Roger’s photos. He had just taken one of a doughnut tied to a door handle with a piece of string! Fortunately, he had not taken the guards in their colourful uniforms. They found it very funny.
Entering the souk from the NW we were in a quieter area with more crafts being made.
Watched a skilful young wood turner using foot and bow in fashion of biblical times. Bought magic box and snake box for the boys.
Founouks were small courtyards with balconied buildings on 4 sides housing craftsmen -very ancient buildings.
Found our way to the Jaama el Fina and took a more reasonable taxi home from a square beyond it.
Returned for late lunch, log writing and photoshop relaxation.

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