The Hungry Hummingbird

The Hungry Hummingbird

The Hungry Hummingbird

Never ones to turn down a challenge we were asked to step a little outside our comfort zone and to paint up a recently purchased Asgard bike shed with a wraparound wildflower meadow scene featuring a hummingbird. Okay then. Game on.

First up we had to come up with a design they were happy with and it’s funny how sometimes things are easy to design but tricky to paint. That should probably be a memo to self. Next up – the fun part. With the shed disassembled we got to work throwing some paint around. After a few furious hours, we had to stop due to rain but when we got back to it it all seemed to fall slowly into place. Whack a fancy little hummingbird on there and some varnish and you’re good to go. Don’t you love it when a plan comes together?



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