Vintage find

Vintage find

Vintage find

Singer 28k made in 1940 at the Kilbowie factory, Clydebank, Scotland

I’ve been searching for a working vintage machine for several years, and was delighted to find this in a local garage sale. It was covered in dust and grime having been abandoned and unloved in an attic for a long time. It was also missing some crucial parts which we’ve managed to source, and yet beneath the grime I could see a fine machine waiting to be restored.

We’ve taken it all apart (husband is a precision engineer), cleaned and lubricated every single nut and bolt, polished the metal parts and waxed and polished the body and the woodwork and hey presto it now purrs and stitches perfectly. I’m absolutely delighted with the result, and I can even sit and sew in the garden without the need for electricity – happy days!

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