IMG_8556, New chisel handle

IMG_8556, New chisel handle

IMG_8556, New chisel handle

Been meaning to re-handle this old glazier’s chisel (came without a handle and a bent tang — why people will insist on hitting bare tangs with a hammer I’ll never understand). Managed to gently hammer {oops, mea culpa] out the bend in the tang and file off the sharp edges, then took a piece of ailanthus I split from some logs I was given a couple years ago and decided to try it out as handle material. It seems a little soft, somewhere between pine and poplar, but should work fine…and after all, it was free. Just planed it into octagonal cross-section and used a rasp and a file to round the ends. Could have got out either the spring pole lathe or my little micro-lathe to do this, but this was easy enough.

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