Old sheds/barn against a beautiful sky

Old sheds/barn against a beautiful sky

Old sheds/barn against a beautiful sky

Saturday, 29 May 2021: our temperature is PLUS 14C (windchill PLUS 13C) at 12:30 pm. Sunrise is at 5:29 am, and sunset is at 9:38 pm. Partly sunny.

Yesterday, 28 May 2021, found me spending a few hours SE of the city. The repair work, that has been going on with my building the last two months, has completed the window work that needed access to the inside of my home. Probably another two months of work for them to continue work on the outside of the building. Now I can feel free to get out for some drives and an occasional walk, depending on the weather.

The forecast for yesterday was reasonable, apart from being quite windy. As it turned out, the sky was full of beautiful clouds, which I always love to see.

My plans had included calling in at Frank Lake, but I changed my mind because of the wind. Almost every road I drove along were ones that I had driven many times before. A couple of old farms were visited briefly, hoping to get a few different photos as the sky was more interesting than I usually seem to get.

Tomorrow is our annual Calgary May Species Count day trip and I will be taking part in the same area as usual. I always love this Count, as it covers my favourite roads SW of the city. Just four of us, travelling in three cars and most of the time we will be driving. Makes a safe day as far as Covid restrictions go. On Monday, 1 June 2021, restrictions in Alberta will apparently be eased somewhat.

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