2301 Altered States Img20451

2301 Altered States Img20451

2301 Altered States Img20451

20451 “Altered States”, Prairie – North Carolina Zoological Park, 4401 Zoo Parkway, Asheboro, Randolph, NC. May 20, 2017. Decimal degrees: 35.629814, -79.766568

“Altered States”
“Prairie past”
“The first European pioneers who headed across the prairie found grassy expanses that often seemed desolate and empty, yet at other times were crowded with bison and other wildlife. On the plains, Native Americans and settlers survived by using ingenuity, common sense and hard work.”

“Changing plains”
“Prairie settlers prevailed using new tools and technology, which dramatically changed the plains over time. The fertile soils that once supported an abundance of wildlife now supply most of the grain consumed in our country.”

“Finding a balance”
“Should today’s prairie protect rare wildlife or feed our nation? As wilderness shrinks, people are realizing the both needs are important. Farmers and scientists are working on ways to harvest crops with hurting the land.”

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