Project 3: lounge chair

Project 3: lounge chair

Project 3: lounge chair

Made from one reclaimed pallet (with a few bits remaining)
Tools required: saw, hammer, T-square, pencil, sandpaper.

I understand that as passions go, recycling isn’t a sexy one. Still it is a passion of mine because I hate to see materials go to waste. It’s super easy to recycle things like bottles and cans (although less than 1/3 of all those bazilions of plastic bottles actually get recycled) but other stuff is out there just waiting to be made into something else.
Take for example the ubiquitous wooden shipping pallet. Nearly every business that receives products on pallets discards the pallets once their goods are unloaded. Each typical pallet is made up of about 8 to 10 pieces of 3" x .5" x 48" wood slats attached to 3 pieces of 2" x 4" x 48". Most palates are made of pine but many of the 2 x 4 bits are solid oak.
Take a drive through the business district of any town or city and you’ll see pallets sitting out by the dumpsters or stacked up out back awaiting a special pick up by the hauling company to go to the landfill. I look at these piles and I don’t see waste, I see FREE building materials.
Over the next few months I hope to share with you pictures of the pallet based products I’ll build this summer.

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