Bring CB to WWB

Bring CB to WWB

Bring CB to WWB

Not trying to stir things up, but this has come to my attention recently regarding World War Brick Anaheim 2016.

As many of you know, I, along with some friends, am bringing and hosting a collaboration build of the Battle of Luzon. As of now it is a 4×4, but continues to grow. We have reached out to sponsors in hopes to cover some baseplates in decked-out marines and Japanese. Dropping CitizenBrick as a vendor does not only affect our team hosting the collab, it affects other collabs who agreed on sponsorships already and a good chunk of attendees.

I chose to attend Anaheim almost entirely because of CitizenBrick vending, along with the usual crew of BrickArms, Gi Brick, and Brickmania. The other reason being friends that are going (Logan, Micaiah, Will, Andrew, etc…).This will be my fourth World War Brick, and I hope something can be done about this. This is not being posted in hopes of getting more free stuff or rare prints from CitizenBrick; this is being posted to get back a vendor who would really make the whole event much more enjoyable.

I’ve been to a good number of conventions, but all of them seemed to be missing something. Out of the several BrickFairs and multiple World War Bricks, CitizenBrick, Brickarms, and Brickmania have never been the 3 main vendors. I feel like if CitizenBrick is added back to the vendors, the balance of sales would be much more enjoyable to the attendees. There’s a vendor that specializes in each of the 3 main areas: Prints, vehicles, and weapons.

If the profit and other things of the same type is the problem, I have thought about a few, solid ideas that would be a good compromise to this problem. I may have no experience in working for a Lego company, but I have experience in being an attendee and having a good time. By adding CitizenBrick back into the equation, I truly believe that this could be the best convention that I have attended.

If you agree please comment your view and repost.
If you have any suggestions, leave a comment of fm me.
If you have an opposite view or critique, comment below.

For anyone who doesn’t want to read this whole thing:

I, along with several friends who are planning on attending WWB Anaheim, am very bummed about missing out on CB being a vendor. We hope that enough people repost and talk about it that it would come to BrickMania’s attention. At the end of the day, it is totally up to BM, but who knows, maybe we can make a difference. Repost if you’d like to support getting the word out there!

Thanks everyone.

And again, this is solely to shed some light on this and get our opinions and voices out there. This was solely our idea and not influenced by any companies or products. Remember to repost!

**If you repost, please keep your post (desc/comments) respectful and professional. This needs to be done with maturity and respect.

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