The Ultimate Drilling Machine –
I don’t look like a straight face antlion. I don’t resemble a scorpion fly with curved sting. What am I? To address your curiosity, let’s take a look at a remaining enigma. You remember the Titanic? Scientists put the blame on an iceberg or uncontrollable fire that caused unsinkable Titanic to dip. Accurately there was a part that entomologists don’t dare to footnote. A weird-bird, a teeny insect is the one that stirred the biggest crime in historic mysteries. What? Don’t be shock at what I’m about to snitch. Titanic, the 25,000 ton ship was constructed from stainless steel alright, but the metal pins (3 million in total) that held the vessel together were made of… wood! Who would have known? It all started when the skipper brought me in his cabin to feed his pet toad but I escaped from the fallible hands of the second mate. He had absolutely no idea how much I love timber, dead or alive. Once I hit the soft spot of a hardwood, my lips contort into a rotary tool at escalating speed. O what a stimulation working like a dentist in boring frenzy. Ha! The repulsed wood must have felt giddy because she vomited out her refuse everywhere on the floor. Some of the guests complained, thus the room steward swept diligently behind each and every door. Nobody understands why the baffling carpet of sawdust returns night after night with no culprits in sight. Four days was all it took to split the massive haul into two steamboats. I jumped ship at the last moment to avoid the ocean’s icy folds. Thankfully my wasted wings though extremely short are competent enough to steer my unnecessarily long body to new shore. So here I am from Southampton to Singapore. Bosch will bore as long as you pay your electricity bill. By contrast, I am driven by innate passion to gyrate. You decide which is better. Call me anytime if your home needs to drill a hole.