…………..but not by the wind !! Back story to follow if you wish to read on ….
I went out last week to clean out bluebird boxes and set a few new ones along the fence row. As I was working, there were occasional flashes of blue along the hedge and sweet, serenading notes floated down, from the top of a stately red maple, at the lower end of the pasture. With the last box set and tools gathered, I headed for the garden shed, wondering how long it would be before a pair began investigating the new housing prospects. I decided to grab the camera and watch a while ……… my answer was shortly forthcoming. By the time I returned with the camera, there were already prospective occupants making the rounds.
Although I have observed dozens of bluebird pairs claim boxes and raise subsequent broods; this was the first time I had ever seen a mating ritual with this type of flamboyant behavior. (Humbling…..just about the time you think you might know a little something you realize just how little you actually know.)
There were, I think two females and three males in this particular group. The females were intent on checking out the boxes. Seemingly oblivious to the fact that they were shadowed by all three of the males, they moved from box to box, meticulously examining the interior and exterior as well as the availability of perching points. In the mean time, the males were putting on a performance that left me quite spellbound.
They dive bombed one another, they stood on branches and stomped their feet, they puffed out their chest and ruffled their feathers (literally) from head to tail. And they put on a wing wagging display that reminded me of a Bronx crossing guard in noonday traffic. And that would include his whistle. Because they kept up a constant vocalization that sounded nothing like the melodic concerts they flute from the canopy. I was rather astounded because I had never heard it before and if I had I certainly would not have attributed it to bluebirds.
The following is a set of images that I think captures the most prominent of their displays. (Click on any to enlarge.)