Day 303/365 - Randomness

Day 303/365 – Randomness

Day 303/365 - Randomness

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Randomness. No really… There is no point other than the project must go on. I had taken a 30 minute nap and dreamt that there was one Guinness left in the fridge only to wake to the realization that the last guinness was consumed days ago. What a cruel joke my brain played on me.

It was now 9pm and I knew that the project was calling. I spent a good portion of the day answering emails, trying to catch up on my financial paper work (owning your own business has its perks but taxes SUCK!) Its bad enough that I have to pay them, whats worse is that I have to record how much I make so I know just how much I have to pay to live in this country. Humans are the only species that that pay to live on earth! Well, that we know of. Aliens could very well be living amongst us, paying taxes, taking cab rides, buying groceries – You never know! If there were aliens living on earth, they would be considered the real Illegal Aliens. So what would people call individuals from other countries living in America illegally?

So what was tonights theme going to be. That was the question plaguing me at 9pm. Shawn had mentioned he was bored rather annoyingly by singing random songs very loud throughout the whole house. I decided to recruit him for tonights shot and save him from his boredom. At first he wasn’t down for some photo action. He seemed as if he’d rather complain about being bored then do something about it. I called him a few names and soon enough we were in Shawn’s new Jeep, heading out to see what we could find. With no vagabond I’m forced to use only one speed light. This drastically reduces my options when planning. If I had more than one working light I of been able to pull something more interesting out of my…

Other than the lack of light, the weather wasn’t Alien Bee friendly as the constant water falling from the sky would of definitely made setting up an elaborate light scenario potentially expensive. With one light, a shoot through umbrella (not water proof). my camera and a trigger we set out to find a suitable location. We arrived at the community center, went to grab the gear and realized that we hadn’t taken my car, which meant that I didn’t have a light stand. Fast forward 15 minutes later, with light stand in tow we were now read for the shot…"um… what are we going to shoot?" Shawn asks me. I answer with a very convincing and artistic "I have no idea" I setup the speed light, throw a bag overtop of it and set it in the middle of the parking lot. Shawn walks out about 20 feet, turns around and holds his hands out. It really was that easy. Of course we didn’t end there as that could of led to disaster. What if the shot was blurry or god forbid boring. Oh wait… it is boring! We went around and shot a few more equally boring shots and then headed over to Walgreens for some un needed candy. Shawn and i actually stood in the candy isle for 10 minutes comparing the cost per ounce of M&Ms in the single serving bag vs the large fat ass sized bag. It was 26 cents cheaper to go with the big bag. So I now have a unhealthy amount of M&Ms sitting beside me. Not a very good co-pilot in my opinion!

So what to do with a decently exposed but boring shot? Photoshop of course! These are times where I’m glad I know my way around photoshop. A few light flairs, a bunch of stars and Voilà, an interesting… ok its still not that interesting. I suppose we all have to except when you just don’t have it. Tonight was one of those nights.

I suppose I’ll have to try harder tomorrow. I really want my vagabond back. Oh and a road trip would be great right about now. I think I’ll take up suzzie’s offer to do a hot asian pole dancer shoot. Suzzie…. if your reading this, lets set that up!

Until we read again… Michael


Nikon SB-25 8:00 1/16 power. Triggered Via Cyber Syncs.

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