Have you ever spent a night in prayer?  by Dr. Mike Evans   - Jerusalem Prayer Team Article

Have you ever spent a night in prayer? by Dr. Mike Evans – Jerusalem Prayer Team Article

Have you ever spent a night in prayer?  by Dr. Mike Evans   - Jerusalem Prayer Team Article

It’s not unusual for me to spend several hours during the night in prayer, but seldom do I spend the entire night praying. Last night was the exception.

I can honestly say it wasn’t intentional, so I can’t take any credit for it. When I began to pray, the Spirit of the Lord had so much to say that the morning sun had risen before the Spirit released me.

It reminds me of an old song: “Shut in with God in a secret place. There in the Spirit beholding His face; gaining more power to run in the race. I love to be shut in with God.”

I knew in my heart I was interceding for you in your life. The burden didn’t leave, but the Spirit helped me to pray the prayers that needed to be prayed for you, your family, your finances, and your future.

I was reminded again and again of Jeremiah 33:3: “Call unto Me, and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.”

Over and over, the Spirit encouraged me to tell you that you are doing something great for God.

Let me say that again: You are doing something great for God.

In case you missed that, let me repeat: You are doing something great for God.

Jeremiah 29:11 says, “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord. “Plans to prosper you and not to harm you. Plans to give you hope and a future.”

If there is anyone I know to be the most unlikely candidate to be used of God to rally Christian Zionists to defend the Jewish people, and pray for the peace of Jerusalem, it is me.

Tragically, my mother’s relatives had been murdered by professing Christians in Auschwitz.

Her great-grandfather had been burned to death in his synagogue in Russia by Orthodox Christians.

Plus, I was raised in abject poverty by a violent, anti-Semitic, child-abusing father. He never believed I was his son because he thought my Jewish mother had an affair with a Jewish man.

While I was in school one day, my teacher asked us this question: “What do you want to be when you grow up?” I was terrified of answering her question.

As the class neared an end, the teacher reached my desk and asked me that question. I stuttered in reply, “T-t-t-wenty.” My goal at that time in life was to survive to the age of twenty.

I was certain my father would kill me before then, as he had seriously threatened to do so several times before.

Three days later, it looked as if my desire for a future and a hope was doomed.

As my father, in a drunken rage, began to beat on my mother, I screamed to him to “STOP!” He ran up the stairs, grabbed me by the throat, raised me above his head, and strangled me. I tried to pry his fingers loose, but couldn’t. I lost consciousness, but later awoke in a fetal position with dried vomit covering my upper body.

It was then I prayed my first prayer: “God, why was I born?”

What I really meant in my prayer was: “What a mistake you made God by allowing me to be born. My mother’s being beaten every Friday night because of me. My father hates me. He’s never called me ‘son’, never said ‘I love you”, and has never affirmed me.”

That prayer was not a long prayer – it was not a holy prayer; it was a prayer of pain.

At that time, I did not believe in God. The only image of God I had was that of my hateful, abusive father.

But seconds after I asked that question, a light so bright I couldn’t tolerate it flooded my bedroom. I covered my eyes, and then I peeked. I saw two scarred hands reaching towards me. Then I saw eyes with every color in the rainbow shining from them. The eyes seemed to smile, and it was the first time I had ever seen that kindness from any man. It was as if you could see through His eyes into eternity. They drew me to Him.

The man spoke three things to me: “Son.” “I love you.” “I have a great plan for your life.” Then He left.

The next morning I realized I could eat a meal without my stomach hurting terribly. (I had stomach ulcers until then.) I was able to talk without stuttering as I had done for years. I could raise my head and look people in the eye. My fears were gone—the fear of darkness, people, death, heights, and many more.

For over twenty years, I did not share this story with anyone until I finally told my wife at the age of thirty-three.

Now, fifty-four years have gone by since that encounter, and with God leading the way at the Jerusalem Prayer Team, you and I are on the brink of launching the most strategic work in the nation of Israel and in the Holy City of Jerusalem.

I’m telling you that the Jerusalem World Center is a miracle building that God has provided — a beautiful facility to minister to the Jewish people, build bridges between Christians and Jews, and raise up prayer for Jerusalem from all around the world, with more in store.

During those fifty-four years, I’ve had the privilege of praying with every prime minister in Israel—some of them numerous times. I’ve given many of them words from the Lord, and I’ve ministered to fifty-two other world leaders as well. All because of God.

I want to encourage you today that God loves you too. You are His child, and He has a plan for you to do great work for Him.

Part of your role may be to pray. Part of your role may be to give. Part of your role may be to stand up and defend the Jewish people until the Lord returns.

But however you feel led to participate, together, we are going to intercede for the final payment of $777,777 – that completes the purchase of the Jerusalem World Center – to be raised before this month of December ends.

Plus, a dear friend and lover of Israel has agreed to match your gift for the rest of December. In other words, if you give $7,777.77, it will be doubled to $15,555.54. Or if you give $777.77, it will be doubled to $1,555.54. If you give $77.77, it will be doubled to $155.54.

This is a huge answer to prayer!

Thus far 1,975 people have given $245,370. Please pray with me right now for supernatural favor that this need will be met.

To help today, go here:

What a joy it is to focus on things of eternal value and to live our lives in the light of eternity. In Psalm 102:16, it says, “When the Lord shall build up Zion, then shall He appear in His glory.”

Jerusalem is Ground Zero for spiritual warfare in our world. It is the target of the enemy, and it is vital that you and I do our part to not only pray for the peace of Jerusalem, but to speak out in support of Israel’s right to her capital city. One of the most important tools for us to fight and win this battle will be the Jerusalem World Center.

I just have to think that what you and I are doing in Jerusalem is building up Zion. Isaiah declared, “The Word of the Lord will go from Zion. The law will go out from Zion and the Word of the Lord from Jerusalem” (Isaiah 2:3).

This wonderful facility in the Holy City will be a lasting witness of God’s love to the Jewish people and a center of ministry and outreach to them that will truly be life changing. We have made every payment on the building so far—all praise and glory to God—but we must make the final payment of $777,777 this month. Will you be part of this great miracle with your generous gift today to make the Jerusalem World Center a reality? Please pray with us today, and help if you feel so led.

Dr. Mike Evans

For more on this story, visit: Jerusalem Prayer Team Articles Page.

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