Sabino Canyon Close-in Map >>

><< It Shows The Trails On My 4th Nature Walk">

On my 4th nature walk, we went out along the Esperero Trail and turned right at the Sabino Canyon Road. We then descended along the Bluff Trail. Part of the way along the Bluff Trail is alongside a cliff. It’s the second time I have been on the Bluff Trail. I really enjoy it. It descends to the Sabino Creek Trail which passes the Sabino Dam and Lake. It is quite beautiful and exciting… We walked about 2 miles.

It’s also nice that it has restrooms and fresh water. I didn’t bring enough water this time. I plan on carrying more next time since we may take a different route…;))

I have shed 7 pounds, a little more than 3 kilograms, since January 1st, 2014. Thats about 2 pounds per week. I had to tighten my belt one notch to keep my pants from falling off…;) My goal is to take off twenty more pounds before mid March. Now that’s exciting!!!

At that weight, I will be able to wear my blue blazer and chino slacks. Ten pounds after that I will be at my college weight. That’s my ultimate goal. Exercise is part of the equation. So is switching from a low fat diet, high in carbs, including grains and processed sugar, to a diet high in natural proteins and fat, without processed foods, carbs and processed sugars. It’s Dr. Gann’s "Diet of Hope." recognize it from the Atkins Diet, which was based on the Stillman Diet. Dr. Stillman practiced medicine with my uncle Nat at the Maimonides Hospital in Brooklyn, N.Y. His was the first attempt to develop a healthy diet based on successful treatment of actual people, and not on untested theories, such as the low fat, high carbs diet epitomized in the Food Pyramid of 1992. The food pyramid, pushed by the corn industry, and recommended by the government has lead to our nation of obese people.

Think about it this way; when the Eskimos ate unprocessed fats and proteins only, they were thin, under their clothes, and had no obesity and no diabetes. Now that they are on the US Micky D diet (LoL), the Eskimos are as obese and as plagued by diabetes as the rest of us.

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