Flash Issue 7 (Captain Cold) - A DCU Comic

Flash Issue 7 (Captain Cold) – A DCU Comic

Flash Issue 7 (Captain Cold) - A DCU Comic

Barry screamed around the building seventeen times before he located Leonard Snart.

“There’s nowhere left to run Snart,” Barry said behind Leonard Snart.

“You’re sloppy Flash…you ran past me four times,” Snart said with a smirk across his face

“At least I’m not the one wearing a parka”

“What’s with the cold shoulder Flash. I thought we were friends. Perhaps ‘friends’ is too much…acquaintances perhaps?” Snart said as he slowly paced back and forth.

“I don’t have time for this” Barry said as he went to grab Snart. Before he could reach him Snart raised his gun and fired a blue stream at Barry’s feet freezing him in place.

“Now while you’re stuck there why don’t we just have a good time and chill?”

“Cold puns? Are you being serious? I know I make bad jokes but this…is just unfortunate.”

“You don’t like my puns? How cold of you,” Cold said with a grimace.

“As soon as I get out of this ice…I’m gonna wipe that smug look off your face Captain Cold.”

“Captain Cold?! Now that…is a name I could get used to,”
Snart said as Barry began to shake from the ice gnawing at his feet.

“It certainly compliments your look…the guns…the puns,” Barry said as he noticed something odd. It was as if he was slipping through the ice by shaking. He began to try to shake faster.

“Well Flash, its been fun…it certainly has, but I have to get running before the cops show up and arrest your little speedster friend. Til’ we meet again Flash,” Snart said as he began to walk away. Barry began to vibrate faster and faster until the ice shattered which caused Snart to turn back around. “How did you-” Snart said as he pressed the trigger on his gun. Barry ran at Snart before the gun could fire except he was vibrating. When he went to slap the gun out of Snart’s hand something happened. It disturbed something within the gun. Instead of firing it exploded sending ice energy up his arm. He fell to the ground and screamed.

“Snart! Are you okay?” Barry exclaimed

“ *Arg* Do I look okay you idiot? What the hell did you do to my cold gun?” Snart responded

“I-I didn’t mean to. I’ll go get help!”

“No, no help…they’ll…they’ll arrest me.”

“You would’ve been arrested anyway!”

“Fat chance!”

“At least you’re not spewing cold puns anymore”

“What the hell is wrong with you!” Snart yelled as he gripped his arm in agony. “I’m gonna kill you Flash…mark my…mark my…words,” Snart said as his head slowly drooped to the ground.

“No! Stay with me Snart…damn it…I’m not gonna let you die!” Barry yelled as he became increasingly confused about what to do. He looked around frantically but then the thought hit him. He looked down at his hand and concentrated.

“Cmon….” Barry said as his arm quivered slightly. Then it burst to life with electricity. “Yes! Yes!” Barry said as looked from his hand to Snart. “I really hope this works,” Barry said as he placed his fist firmly and Snart’s chest. Electricity flowed through Snart’s body and he jolted back to consciousness. Snart wheezed as he sat back up and Barry fell onto his back in relief. “

"What did you do? Did I die? Please tell me this isn’t hell,” Snart asked.

“No, you didn’t die. I resuscitated you with my electricity.”

“You…you saved me?”

Barry leaned back up. “Of course I saved you"

"The hero isn’t normally supposed to save the villain, I think you may be confused."

"A hero should save everyone they can. No matter who they are or what they represent."

“I’ll be sure to make a note of how soft you are before I make revisions,” Snart said as he looked down to his cold gun. “Do you know how long that took me to make?”

“Oh, I’m sorry I foiled your master plan Mr. Villain”

“You know I’ve about had enough-” Snart said as he was interrupted by the opening of a nearby door.

“CCPD put your hands in the air,” David Singh said who was flanked by two more police officers who had “Metahuman Task Force” printed on their uniform.

“They always have to yell so loudly,” Snart said sarcastically.

“He’s all yours officer,” Barry said slightly differently than his normal voice. He figured if he could vibrate his entire body, then he could vibrate just a single part of his body such as his vocal cords. “Now if you don’t mind I have a date I need to get back to”.

“Actually, I do mind. You’re a witness to all of this…I’ll be taking you in as well Flash”. David Singh said.

“You can’t be serious” Barry responded

“Oh he’s deadly serious,” Snart said with an eye roll.

“Do you shut up?” Barry asked

“Do you?” Snart responded

“Will both of you shut up? You’re under arrest for-” David Singh said as Barry ran off. “Damn it! Where did he go?”

“He just ran away? Now that’s cold…and I should know” Snart said as he gestured to his arm. As he raised his arm to point he pressed something on his belt.

“What don’t you understand about shut up?” David Singh asked as he placed handcuffs on Leonard Snart. He then walked him around the building to an armored vehicle. David opened the back doors to reveal that there was already a passenger inside.

“August Heart…you turned out to be the judge,” Leonard snart said with a smirk

“You! Who killed my brother!” August shouted

“If I knew I would’ve already told you,” Snart said as David Singh forced him into the truck. “The man who killed your brother wasn’t a part of my Rogues after that night. He either scrammed or the Flash subdued him before he left the building.”

“Of course…it always comes back to the Flash…to…” August trailed off as the truck pulled out of the parking lot.

“Tell me about it, but why did you stop? Do you know who he is?” Leonard inquired as he leaned towards August.

August looked into Leonard Snart’s eyes “If I knew…I would’ve already told you.”

“Touche speedster,” Leonard Snart said. That last statement was followed by silence until something odd happened. A hazy, translucent figure seemed to phase through the doors of the truck and they developed into a full human.

“Oh, brother…what have you gotten yourself into this time?” the figure asked with a gentleness to their voice.

“August Heart I’d like you to meet my baby sister, Lisa Snart,” Leonard Snart said with a gesture of his bound hands.

“I can really see the family resemblance,” August said sarcastically.

“That’s no way to treat your beautiful rescuer,” Lisa Snart said with a slightly pouty face.

“My rescuer?” August asked

“Your rescuer. You can’t find the killer of your brother all on your own…especially if you’re in Iron Heights. And we could use someone like you on our team. So what do you say, would you care to join the new and improved Rogues?” Leonard Snart asked. August Heart pondered for a moment…was this the person he wanted to be? Did he want to be a villain? Like them? Did he have a choice? No…no he didn’t…He raised his restraints.

“Hell yeah I would”

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