12.52 A

12.52 A

12.52 A

I couldn’t decide this week. I liked the two edited portraits in my Photostream equally well. But I went with this one. Sometimes it seems like there is only one day a week that I truly get myself together – hair, make-up and clothes. I am struggling a lot right now with my weight gain after Brice. It’s been two years and i’ve been done nursing for a few months, so it’s time to think about losing the extra 20 pounds. At this point, i’d be happy to loose 10. My medical issues (thyroid, PCOS) work against me when it comes to this, so I feel like I have to work twice as hard as the so-called average person. That and the fact that i’ve only ever dieted once, and it was really not much of a success. All it did was starve me (thanks Weight Watchers and my measly 18 points).

I’m trying my hardest to just eat healthier, and by that I don’t mean "low fat" foods. I am looking for whole foods, as unaltered as possible, reading labels and removing as much of the "bad stuff" as I can. While I will only grudgingly admit this to my husband, he has been a huge help in getting me to see that just because something says it’s low fat, doesn’t mean its good for me. I’ve been trying to limit my sugar intake and use Stevia where possible, but some sugars I just can’t get away from. I love cookies, and they seem to always be in the house. It’s very hard to avoid them. So don’t have them in the house, you say…not a great plan since husband relys on them with low blood sugars that hit in the middle of the night.

Thanks to husbands diabetes and my sons allergy to rice I don’t eat near as much carbs as I use to. So why can’t I loose the weight? I need to get back to getting on the elliptical each day. Even if it’s only for 20 minutes it’s something rather than nothing.

Weight gain is not fun and something I have never seriously had to worry about before. It was always a battle to get me to gain weight until thyroid issues started to take effect in my early 20s. How I wish for those days again.

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