Turkey and provolone rolls

Turkey and provolone rolls

Turkey and provolone rolls

With spinach, Laughing Cow creamy swiss, lettuce, and cranberry sauce. My attempt to re-create Costco’s turkey rollers. Came out pretty good. This whole plate is 300 calories.

1 large low-carb tortilla (80 cal)
2 Laughing Cow creamy swiss wedges (35 cal each)
3 slices of low fat turkey deli meat (25 cal each)
1 slice of Sargento reduced-fat provolone (50 cal)
3 teaspoons of cranberry sauce (30 cal)
small amount of lettuce/spinach

Spread creamy swiss on tortilla. Spread cranberry sauce on half of tortilla. On the cranberry sauced side, layer your turkey, provolone, and lettuce. Roll it up. The cheese-only half of the tortilla will stick to the roll and help hold it closed. Slice and serve.

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