Moon Down, Sun Up

Moon Down, Sun Up

Moon Down, Sun Up

This image is the opposite bookend to last night’s photo. On request of a friend who wants a memento for the day of his first kid’s birth, I got out to photograph the full moon both as it rose last night and set this morning.

This is from up in the Somerset neighborhood of Bellevue right before dawn. A band of cloud along the horizon swallowed the moon for the last several degrees of its descent to the horizon. I had actually given up on it reappearing, and after starting my car and dialing in directions to my phone, I saw the faintest sliver of moonlight illuminating the clouds right above the Olympic peaks. I jumped out of the car as fast as I could, threw down my tripod and started snapping. Sorry to the Bellevue-ite whose driveway I ended up blocking as a consequence!

It was a close thing — as you can make out in the photo, the gap between cloud and mountain is a touch smaller than the angular diameter of the moon itself! Definitely luck rather than perseverance that I was still on-site; a lesson to myself not to pack up until the proverbial fat lady sings.

This image was planned with Photographer’s Ephemeris. 🙂

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